QIC: Mutton

Date: 08/08/2018

PAX: Mutton, Burns, Hazer, Palin, Lambchop, Grenspan, Turnover, Offsides

The Thruway Shopping Center served as home field for this week’s edition of WIB.  The route was easy, the exercises familiar and the work out was hard.

We began with warm-a-rama.

SS x 20

ISP x 20

Monkey Humpers x 20

Whirlys x 20

Abe Vigoda OYO while the YHC discussed the plan.

We began at the lot in the middle of the shopping center.

10 Hand release Burpees

20 Peter Parkers

30 Low Flutterer double count

Run past The Loop, passed LuLu Lemon to the median near McDonalds

10 Mike Tysons

20 Dips

30 Juanitas

Run to Chopt

10 Squat jumps

20 Carolina Dry Docks

30 Mutton Crunches, 15 each leg

Run behind the shops back to the starting spot.

After each lap, the Pax was told to increase each excursus by 1,2 and 3 reps.


Schmedfest, Saturday August 24.

Prayer request:

Stop the violence

Stop the blame

Prayers for all those effected by the shootings in Dayton, El Paso and the family of the man shot at Hanes Mall