PreShmedfest/Burpeefest Convergence

QIC: BALCO, Bon Jovi, Red Eye, Socket

Date: 08/24/2019

PAX: There was a total of 66 PAX that participated in the pre-Shmedfest convergence this AM.  My recording device was hijacked by the speaker so I could not understand everyone’s names.  #Q-Fail.  If you were there then you know you were there.  If you weren’t there then you were the only one who wasn’t there.  Except the neither Mongoose not Ramsey’s were there.

Warm/Burpee – O – Rama

  1. SSH x 20 IC
  2. 2 1-legged Burpees OYO
  3. IST x 15 IC
  4. 4 HRpees OYO
  5. Whily w the Clap x 10 IC
  6. 6 Mountain Climber Burpees OYO
  7. Arm swirly things/Seal Claps/OH claps x 10 IC
  8. 8 Plank Jack Burpees OYO
  9. Copperhead Squats x 15 OYO
  10. 10 Burpees OYO
  11. Mountain Climbers x 15 OYO

Mosey around to other field

Song Interlude – Thunder w Merkin with each “Thunder”

AMRAPS – 4 minutes per set

  1. Set 1
    1. Round the world lunges x 10
    2. Raggedy Ann x 10
    3. Skaters x 10
  2. Set 2
    1. Back and forth bear crawls x 5
    2. Inchworms with shoulder taps x 10
    3. Jump shots x 15
  3. Set 3 – Deconstructed burpees
    1. In and Outs x 5
    2. Merkins x 5
    3. In and Outs x 5
    4. Jump Squats x 5
    5. Burpees x 5

Song Interlude – Flowers (Bring Sally Up/Down) – too many squats!

Money to the gazebo and partner up. Partner 1 runs to gate and does 15 SSHs (for Shmedfest’s 15 years) while partner 2 stays by gazebo and does Jack Reachers. Partner 1 runs back to gazebo, flapjack. Partner 2 runs to gate and does 14 SSHs while partner 1 does Jack Reachers.  Continue alternating to descend to 0.
Song Interlude – Roxanne with burpee for each “Roxanne”
Ab/Core Work – 1 minute each of 7 exercises x 2 sets (First time through, normal pace then Second time through, very slow, hold positions)
1. Push-ups
2. Bird dog, elbow to knee; on hands/knees, extend rt arm and left leg, then pull Rt elbow and left knee to meet
3. Bird dog, lt arm and rt leg
4. Side plank on rt arm, dip the hips
5. Side plank on left arm, dip the hips
6. Heels to Heaven
7. Bicycle crunches / Freddie Mercs
1.  The weather was perfect.  We were blessed with fall weather and the rain held off.
2. Some thought there were too many burpees.  HA…no such thing
3. Those who complained were also the ones with all the mumblechatter so they obviously weren’t working hard enough
4. It was great to see all the 2.0s out there working hard
5.  Bon Jovi (the M of YHC) asked if the F3 guys always quit exercising before the workout was over.
6. For some reason Mongoose and the Vig were hanging out in the parking lot before the workout started but then they left.  Mongoose doesn’t like kids but I don’t know The Vigs excuse.
6. TClaps to Bon Jovi, Red Eye, and Socket for solid Qs
7. TClaps to Sona and D-Day for filling up water ballons for the kids.  Was a great idea until fall arrived 2 months early.
8. TClaps to Plunger for organizing the event
9. TClaps to Foothills, K and W, and the W-S Fairgrounds
COT – Plunger took us out thanking the Lord for the blessing that Crisis Control can be for those in need.

1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    August 28, 2019 9:56 am

    TClaps to the Yoders and Fullers for their leadership. The 2.0s may have outnumbered the Pax! YHC thinks that our secret is out. F3 does not necessarily focus on form or stretching. But we should. Appreciate Plunger and his M for being the reason this crazy and fun day happened!

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