The most mesmerizing routes ever

QIC: Whirly

Date: 07/19/19

PAX: Pretty much all the BBBC regulars [except] Ramses, DQ, Katniss, Harden, SPAM, Drano, 1040EZ, Offsides, Total Recall, Huckleberry, Touch Me Not, The Singing Cowboy, Wobegon, 60 Minutes, Blue Light Special,

Each pax ran for about 20 minutes out, then turned around and came back.

YHC, who is not a BBBC regular, volunteered to Q this in honor of Sour Mash’s valiant (and mostly successful) effort to lose 50 pounds by July 1st (?). He lost 45 pounds. #baller (My daughter says I really need to stop doing two things- 1) using hashtags 2) saying the word “baller”)

Shmedfest is August 24th at the Winston Salem Fairgrounds. Food, fun, music, beer- all proceeds go to support Crisis Control Ministry.

Arts for Life is September 26th at Forsyth Country Club at 7:00. F3 will have at least one table, maybe more. If interested see Fender or Harden.

There were other announcements and prayer requests but I didn’t have my recorded on and I can’t remember them.

YHC took us out.