It all begins at the Smokers Lot

QIC: Boomerang

Date: 7/13/2019

PAX: Goofy, Quiver, Squire, Fender (WB), Hardin (WB) and Boomerang (YHC and WD)

YHC had forgotten that he had the Q at Charlie Foxtrot until he was reminded at an unofficial workout earlier in the week by sit Q, Hardin.  Still working off a 7 hour time change fog, YHC recycled a a former beatdown complete with cards, but added back the jokers for good measure.

The PAX of 6 gathered in the Smoker’s Lot (which YHC always finds awkward calling it that so close to a hospital) in the early morning humidity and the workout began. Pre workout comments-Squire did step out of his vehicle in flip flops, as I didn’t know him, was wondering if he was a seasoned running beast, Fender foraged in the blackberry bushes seeking a last minute energy snack, Quiver arrived literally on 2 wheels (bike) as we began and we wondered if Hardin had a new ride, but he assured us his M had gifted him a gift of a detail package and it was the same ride.


EST, SSH and Arm Swirlies forwards and backwards, mosey from SL to the entrance of the the school for a continuation of warmarama-Whirly with a Clap (couldn’t recall the healed version of the exercise), Abe Vigodas and a few moments of stretching.

Next we did the Bataan Death March-Indian Run with one PAX doing 4 burpees, catching up to PAX,  trading places with another and so on until all have done 4 Burpees. Goofy believes this routine is best done with a small PAX-YHC concurs.

Once the Death March was completed the PAX moved to the first of 4 stations to see what was in store.  At each station there was a suit of cards, maybe a joker and a well written square of cardboard with 3 exercises on it.  Card 2-6 were assigned 10 reps, 7-10, 20 reps and face cards and ace, 30 reps.  3 cards were drawn at each station as we slogged through the humid air. A joker produced another Batann Death March.  Fortunately, only 2 were drawn, first we did Burpees and second time we did LBC’s. 3 rounds were completed.

Stations were are follows:

#1-Dips, Irkins and Derkins

#2-WWII Situps, American Hammer (double count) and Freddie Mercuries

#3-Monkey Humpers, Lunge (each leg) and Squats

#4-Merkins, Mike Tysons and Jack Reachers


Mutton Crunches, Low Flutter, Penguin Crunches and Body Destroyers.



Announcements-Arts for Life breakfast at Forsyth Country Club-9/26 see Fender for details and/or watch Twitter.

Prayer Requests:

Fender’s M due 8/3 but ready to go

New cancer treatment has begun for YHC’s sister

YHC took us out with prayer for the above, thankful for ability to workout even in the humidity and for those suffering with addictions.

Notable observations and MC during the workout.

Fender is a machine-he always is leading the PAX, adds extra effort into the workout, must be the Chuck Taylors.

Mike Tysons are fine but 90 during any one workout sucks-luck of the draw. i believe this was mentioned by Hardin and Goofy.

Anyone (Quiver) who can bike to a workout on a humid (or any day) is held in high regard by YHC-I’m not worthy!

While Squire has not been attending long, I believe that is what he said, he was in beast mode today.

Always a pleasure and encouragement to lead at F3.


1 Comment

  • Goofy
    July 14, 2019 8:59 am

    Great workout. Woke up with some muscle aches and pains. For the official record, YHC owes you about 20 Mike Tysons. I hate them.

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