Frolicking Through Sprinklers at The Estate

QIC: Turnover

Date: 7.15.19

PAX: Van Gogh , Huckleberry , Fokker , Jar Jar , Snooki , Razzie , Wobegon , Manscape (WD) , Cheesesteak , Radar , Pvt Bookworm (WB) , Turnover (Q)

10 days of travelling was enough for YHC to have the fact that he was to Q #TheEstate slip his mind.  However, it was as though the abrupt landing of the Boeing 737 YHC was aboard on Saturday morning was the jolt needed to recall the honor that awaited me.  As such, the planning began in earnest.

As YHC reported to the AO this fine, humid morning to do a little bit of recon, it was to the Q’s surprise/dismay/delight that the sprinklers were on at the rugby fields.  “This will make things interesting”, the Q thought to himself.  Nothing would deter YHC from delivering the planned beatdown for my first Q at the prestigious Estate.  Let’s see what this group of 12 #gritty PAX got themselves into.

Warm O Rama

SSH IC x20

2 Burpees

IW IC x15

4 Burpees

Abe Vigoda IC x5

6 Burpees

Squats IC x10

8 Burpees

(YHC would like the record to show that there was a disheartening lack of MC generated from the unorthodox and excessive Burpees during Warm O Rama.  The PAX seemed largely unfazed.  YHC knew that the usual crowd at The Estate were tough, but it was then YHC knew that only the most legitimate beat down would satiate the gathered PAX’s hunger for physical betterment)

Mosey to Rugby Field

By the time we arrived, the sprinklers that had been on were now off, but they had kicked on on the other side of the field.  So we had limited lateral real estate to work with, but the side we had to operate on had already been sufficiently dampened.  Commence Red Barchetta.

Jailbreak 100 yards to far penalty line / Perform 100 SSH’s / Mosey back to start, plank for 6

Jailbreak 75 yards to far lax goal / Perform 75 Mtn Climbers double count / Mosey back to start, plank for 6

Jailbreak 50 yards to mid field / Perform 50 LBCs / Mosey back to start, plank for 6

Jailbreak 25 yards to near lax goal / Perform 25 Merkins / Mosey back to start, plank for 6

Jailbreak 10 yards / Perform 10 Burpees / Mosey to start. Complete.

Mosey to Hill behind Silo

Burpee and WW2 11’s

1 Burpee at bottom of hill, mosey to top of hill for 10 WW2’s

And so on…

*Editor’s Note: go ahead and file this one under “Looked alright on paper, sucked big time in real life”.

A Minor Omaha on the last leg of the 11’s…Mosey to lower lot below launch

PAX were to complete 12 reps of 3 different exercises (1 upper body, 1 lower body, 1 core) and complete a lap up to launch and back down the hill

1st Set

12 Wide Merkins

12 Jump Squats

12 Heels to Heaven


2nd Set

12 Merkins

12 Copperhead Squats

12 Crunchy Frog


3rd Set

12 Diamond Merkins

12 Jump Lunge

12 Alternating outside opposite knee taps (YHC has used this A LOT recently, and has yet to come up with a name for this…will look through the Lexicon, but might have to make up my own name for it. Stay Tuned.)

Mosey to Launch

MARY (the popcorn variety)

Manscape – Freddy Mercs

Razzie – Boxcutters

Radar – American Hammers

Van Gogh – Low Slow Flutter




Offsides is still looking for runners for the Tuna 200

Fender is hosting a table at a charity breakfast event for “bringing The Arts to kids at Brenners” in September.  Be on the lookout for information for that.

YHC took us out thanking Him for the opportunity to better ourselves with like-minded men and asking for the constant reminder that everything we say and do point people to Him.


Not a ton of MC to be had this morning.  Outside of @Van Gogh and @Snooki casually chatting as they dominated the Burpee/WW2 11’s (meanwhile the Q was on the verge of death after not having posted for a week and a half). Those guys are animals, but this is common knowledge.

Just about all of the PAX this morning spent at least a little time as the 6 (with the exception of @Snooki , @Van Gogh , @Huckleberry , and @Cheesesteak, per the usual).  YHC was delighted to see the commitment of all assembled PAX to Picking Up the 6.  We all took our turns huffing out a rep or a lap, but someone always stepped up to pick up his fellow HIM.  That’s what it’s all about, gentlemen.  Picking up the 6 and sharpening each other along the way.  Really gets me fired up.

Was great to meet @Pvt Bookworm.  As he is cut from the same cloth as @Radar, it was no surprise that this dude was another silent assassin.  It even looked like he was fighting off a bit of an injury at one point, but he didn’t have a lick of quit or slow-down in him.  Rock solid.

Speaking of @Radar, YHC has had the pleasure of posting with him a few times now and it was crystal clear from jump street that this guy is an absolute savage.  Silent assassin who is not fazed in the slightest by the Q’s attempt to tire the PAX.  Additionally, and maybe more impressively, his “1-2-3” cadence call might be top 2 in all of F3 Winston Salem.  @Sgt Schultz, you have been put on notice.

YHC believes that this was the first time he has posted with @Razzie and @Jar Jar.  Was great working with you HIM.  Also, the Q tried to set the tone and give a rival Wednesday Site Q a taste of how we do it at #Mayhem.

@Wobegon really came to work this AM.  Even after the Q called the Omaha to make the painful 11’s stop, he was still grinding out his reps in defiance.  Well done, sir.

@Manscape might be part robot.  Legitimately.  A double-respect who consistently hangs in with a bunch of Hate’s and Aye’s.  Impressive and humbling to say the least.  Strong work as always.

Arguably the biggest development that came out of the gloom this morning was a comment made by @Cheesesteak.  As the PAX were departing, he said something to the effect of voicing his approval of the difficulty of the beat down.  It almost sounded as though he was saying it challenged him, but I’m confident that’s not possible.  Even still, the Q considered this the highest of honors.  Going to type that quote up, print it out, and put it on my fridge.

Thanks for the keys Huck. Always an honor to lead.