A Splash at Outhouse

QIC: Splash

Date: 7/29/2019

PAX: Splash, Spam, Greenspan, 5-Dollar Foot long, Balco, Sgt Shultz, Wobegone, Turnover

Greenspan sent out the call for Qs and I foolishly agreed to the day I returned to work after my last summer vacation. With the pain of the end of my vacation fresh in mind I decided to take it out on the pax who showed up. It went something like this:


SSH IC x20

IW IC x15

Whirly’s got the clap IC x15

Abe Vagoda –> Windmill IC x10

Forward arm swirly things x15

Reverse arm swirly things x15

The Thang

Mosey to rock pile and have Pax pick a medium-ish rock

Curls IC x15

Skull crushers IC x15

Overhead press IC x15

Bent over row IC x15

Partner up and one partner puts back their rock

Restrictor plate racing

One partner does 10 merkins while the other runs with the rock, when merkins complete chase down running partner when caught the other partner takes the merkins while the 1st one takes the rock and runs

Mosey to shelter in front of Jefferson middle and did dips alternating with irkins down the row of benches and then back up the other side

Left leg step up x10 OYO

Left leg Bulgarian squats x10 OYO

Left leg step up x10 OYO

Repeat with R leg

Mosey to Wall

peoples chair with 50 jack reachers

5 burpees OYO

Donkey kicks x20

5 burpees OYO

peoples chair with 50 jack reachers

BTTW for 30 count

Mosey to back of school

Bump bumpers with Jackob’s ladder

10 merkins at bottom of hill then backwards run till butt bumps wall then 1 squat then bottom do 9 merkins etc

Q fail here ran out of time so called Omaha

Mosey to start with jailbreak at the end

low flutter for Mary then time


Sarge has the Q at Parliament tomorrow, Spam has WIB on Thursday, Shmedfest convergence on 8/24


YHC took us out thanking HIM for the morning, the fellowship

As always was an honor to lead, thanks Greenspan for the keys!

1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    July 30, 2019 6:17 am

    Most people are relaxed when they come back from vacation. Not Spalsh.

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