World Cup of Purgatory

QIC: Sassy

Date: 06/15/2019

PAX: Undertow, The Singing Cowboy, Pony Express, Bulldog, Spamalot, Starfish, Burlap, Green Acres, Boomerang, D-Day, Posthole, Dr. Toot Canal, Sassy

An unlucky 13 showed up to Purgatory for YHC’s VQ at this site. Thanks to the glorious Site Q locking YHC in months ago, YHC had plenty of time to put together a plan. Onward to what the plan unveiled to the PAX.

Hillbilly x10 IC
Abe Vigoda x5 IC
Peter Parkers x10 IC
Whirlys x15 IC
Arm Circles F x10 IC (hold)
Arm Circles B x10 IC (hold)
Seal Claps x10 IC (hold)
Overhead Claps x10 IC (recover)

The Thang
The World Cup is going on in women’s soccer so YHC paid homage to it by finding exercises that spell Copa do Mundo (Spanish) and World Cup (English).

Mosey to the dirt track and do 4 corners for Copa.
Copa do Mundo

Copperhead Squats
Overhead Claps
Pickle Pounders
American Hammer

Derkins on the wall
One set of 10 burpees

Mosey to rock pile

Mountain Climbers
Upright Row w/ rock
Nolan Ryan
Did something, not a dip (YHC forgets)
Outlaw a.k.a. the Big O

WWII Sit-ups
Overhead Press w/ rock
Rosalita Wip
Louganis – basically a WWII with an OH Press w/ rock
Upright Row w/ rock
Plank Jacks

Many teams will get to explore a new world, much in the same way that YHC was exploring this morning, so let’s partner up and complete Dora!

With rocks:
100 Curls
200 Chest Presses
300 Bent Over Rows

Mosey home

Dips x15 OYO
SSH x20 just for Dr. Toot

Penguin Crunch x20 IC
Mutton Crunch x10 IC each leg
Gas Pumps x10 IC
LBCs x25 IC


What a refreshing 55 degree morning to lead the fine men of Purgatory! It was nice seeing a bunch of men YHC hasn’t worked out with in a while.

The PAX were caught off guard by YHC’s Hillbilly start. Root Canal was especially caught off guard, thinking every workout should start with SSH.

It was a lively, talkative group until YHC called a round of burpees, then things subsided.

Pony Express approved of the workout, YHC has officially made it.

It was an incredibly respectful crowd! YHC was War Baby amongst the more established group.

Announcements/Prayer Requests
Grand Opening of the new coffee shop at 7th and Trade. Beverly and others are running from Bitty & Beau’s in Wilmington to the Winston-Salem shop. YHC has had the extreme pleasure of eating at B&B’s and it was a great experience.

YHC is sitting in the Stevens Center preparing for a dance recital, so YHC doesn’t remember all of the prayer requests, but will try to edit this later to capture them.


1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    June 16, 2019 7:51 am


    Thanks for the leadership and welcome to the neighborhood.

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