TRQ 6/20/19

QIC: Palin

Date: 6/20/2019

PAX: Inkspot, von trap, pinto, Ziggy stardust, argyle, huckleberry, sgt Schultz, palin

YHC arrived about 10 minutes early for some recovery stretching from Cheesesteak’s conspiracy the day before. As I laid there stretching I wondered if anyone else would show. I was quickly reassured as Inkspot pulled in followed by several others who were considerate enough to not run me over. As we circled up for warmorama we were 6 strong, by the time we finished warmorama we were 8 strong. YHC was excited to see Pinto back out as I had run into him at the dealership while getting my car inspected.

WoR: SSH, FAC, RAC, AV, Whirly, Sun Salutations

Mosey to flag pole and then use the called mode of transport between each parking island, stopping at each one for a burpee and to change the mode of transit. Modes included carioca, carioca, skip, and maybe something else.

Mosey to the playground for a minimurph: cycle through 5 pullups, 10 merkins, and 15 squats. Repeat the cycle until time is called.

Mosey back to the road, jailbreak sprint to the gate, then walk to the rockpile. Select two shmedium rocks for a tabata-esque routine:

  • Curls
  • Tricep extensions
  • 21’s: side raise, front raise, another exercise that has no name that I know of
  • Upright row
  • Bus driver


Return rocks, mosey to gate and line up for a sprint back to the track entrance.

Mosey to the playground for another 2 rounds of minimurph.

Mosey to the cars for Mary by committee


  • HOG has his VQ at IS this Saturday

Prayer requests:

  • Be mindful that we are all going through something, be it family changes, health scares, job difficulties, etc. Be on the lookout for opportunities to support one another.

Honor to lead this fine group, thanks for putting up with me.