TRQ Zombieland

QIC: SGT Schultz

Date: May 30, 2019

PAX: Bueller, Closer, Goofy (WD), Palin, SGT Schultz (QIC), Starfish, TPS, Zombie (formerly FNG Walker Douglas)(WB)

YHC was laid low for 6 days by a chest cold that first came on while I was Q’ing last Thursday at The Distillery.  I wasn’t sure I had it in me to successfully Q this morning, but I made the effort anyway.  Goofy was bringing an FNG, and I didn’t want to let either of them down.  Short on energy and creativity, I dusted off a workout that I had previously Q’d at TRQ back on May 31, 2018 (according to the Backblast Log).   I figured that the passage of time and a different slate of PAX would render it OK in the end.  I suppose that it did.  (As it turned out, TPS was the only PAX (other than me) who had attended that previous workout.

The workout went something like this:


  • SSHs
  • ISTs
  • Seal Claps
  • Overhead Claps
  • Arm Swirly Things (fwd)
  • Arm Swirly Things (rev)
  • Whirly’s With the Clap
  • Abe Vigodas
  • Standing Hamstring Stretches

I had the 8 PAX pair off into two man buddy-teams before we took off for the Rock Quarry.


Part I: Extended DORA With Rocks

Mosey to the Rock Quarry, where each pair selected a rock that they would use together.  (My apologies to my buddy, Palin, for my unrealistic selection of a rock that was way, way on the heavy side!)   We then moseyed to the side of the school near the gate for an extended DORA experience with our rocks.

While Team Member # 1 performed the exercises with the rock, Team Member # 2 ran as fast as he could to a fire hydrant approximately 60 yards away, where he performed one (1) Burpee, and returned to his team mate.  Flapjack until each Team completed 100 reps of each exercise and then moved on to the next exercise in the list, etc., etc.  The listed exercises were as follows:

  • Curls x 100
  • Merkins x 100
  • Overhead Press x 100
  • Monkey Humpers x 100
  • Upright Rows x 100
  • Skull Crushers x 100
  • Front Raises x 100
  • Bent Over Rows x 100

After all 4 Teams had completed 100 reps of the final exercise, the rocks were returned to their rightful places at 0605 hours.    During the course of this DORA, we covered approximately 1.7 miles and lifted a whole lot of granite.

Part 2:  Mike Tyson Squat Workout

Mosey part of the way back to the WARMARAMA parking lot, stopping at a traffic island where YHC had pre-positioned two packs of cheap playing cards purchased from the Dollar Store.   Each PAX got a bundle of 10 cards with which to perform the Mike Tyson Squat Workout (something YHC found online a while ago and has used in multiple Q’s) as described below:

Each PAX lined his cards up in a line stretching ahead of him, with each card 2-4 inches apart. Standing over the first card, squat down and pick up the first card off of the ground (to do so required squatting low and holding the squat long enough to pick up the card off of the pavement).  Step ahead to the second card. Squat down again to place the first card on top of the second card.  Now empty handed,  squat down and pick up each card in the pile, one at a time – one squat per card.   With all cards in the pile now in hand, move ahead to the third card, putting each card in your hand down on top of the third card, one squat per card.  Empty handed once more, pick up each card, one squat at a time.   Proceed with this pattern — squatting to put each card down and then squatting to pick each card back up — until you’ve moved through all ten cards in the line.

YHC has never counted the total number of squats completed, but it is a lot.


Mosey back to the parking lot for a quick session of Mary.   Goofy led us in some Flutterkicks before the clock struck 0615.


  • A special weekday session of The Racquet happened this morning at 0630.   Starfish even brought extra tennis racquets, so you had no excuse for not attending (other than no notice, no time, or no interest)
  • Closer has the Q at Red Line next week
  • Lunch Bunch will be at Camel City BBQ on Friday at 1145
  • We christened our FNG, Walker Douglas, as “Zombie” in light of his first name, Walker (which apparently is an alternate name for a zombie).  Zombie grew up in Winston-Salem and recently moved back to town from Charlottesville, VA.  He is a 2011 Wake Forest grad and is a legal analyst for Lexis-Nexis.  His wife is currently completing a medical fellowship at Baptist Medical Center.


  • Prayers for Goofy’s mother-in-law, who is experiencing serious medical issues associated with loss of circulation in her legs
  • Prayers for Starfish’s parents and parents in-law, who are experiencing issues with aging (although Starfish’s Mom is improving following recent surgery)
  • Closer asked for prayers for students throughout our school system who will be taking EOG tests today
  • Praises for Closer, who accepted a job offer (locally) that he will start in a few weeks, one that he is very excited about!!
  •  Prayers for an unnamed F3 brother who is going through marital difficulties that may result in a separation
  • YHC  took us out, lifting up the prayers and praises to Him.

Thanks for the keys, Wobegon!   A pleasure and honor to lead.


  • Goofy
    May 30, 2019 7:31 pm

    3 things. 1) While our Q broke some rules, in no way did he break any records for running at TRQ. That belongs to some unremembered guy who had us run to College Park and back for warm up!

    2) Always appreciate a @Schultz Q , and hell even I’ve broken the running rules at TRQ. Nonetheless,…

    3) This work out was originally started by YHC because I couldn’t run due to an acute knee injury but still wanted a place to be with the pax of F3. Hoped it could be that for others recovering from injury. I’ve also always wanted a place where an FNG without little to no aerobic capacity a great place to start without being left behind on a run.

    Today was great, but thought I’d share my original motivation here for the record.

    • Goofy
      May 30, 2019 7:44 pm

      One additional comment. In no way should TRQ be any less demanding a workout than any other! Just with less running and impact.

    • SGT Schultz
      May 31, 2019 3:55 pm

      I still maintain that my workout yesterday morning was not out of bounds for TRQ. However, in retrospect, I realize that I could have, and should have, emphasized that the short, repetitive running that we did (50 or so yards and then back — rather than a farther continuous distance such as a quarter mile, etc.) in the workout was modifiable as necessary, such as either 1) running a shorter distance; or 2) not running at all and instead lunge walking or some alternative. I failed to make that clear.

  • Spamalot
    May 31, 2019 3:43 pm

    As fate would have it, YHC had lunch with Zombie today. He enjoyed TRQ and sounds like he may be a regular there. He also sounded interested in The Outhouse. He is a runner, so told him about OG/Tractors.

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