Team Murph at Mayhem

QIC: Goofy

Date: 05/01/2019

PAX: Turnover, Mongoose, Splash, Burlap, Posthole, Spam, Thistle, Root Canal, Zima, Schneider, Offsides, SgtShultz, RedEye, Huckleberry, Goofy

Warm-o-Rama: the usual for the @Goofy

The Thang

Partner up.  There are 3 stations.


  1. 40 pull-ups as a team. P1 does pull ups, P2 runs circle, then flapjack until complete reps, then go to station 2.
  2. 80 merkins as a team using same run/exercise flapjack as above
  3. 120 squats as a team, using same run/exercise flapjack as above

Rotate through circuit as many times as possible.  Try to get at least 5 circuits completed. 

If you completed 5 circuits, the pair together did 200 Pull-ups, 400 Merkins, 600 Squats total, so a Murphy each.  Mileage varied among Pax, but was approximately 2.

COT:  YHC took us out

Announcements/Prayer Concerns

  • HDHH tonight at 5PM at Fiddlin Fish
  • @ShortSale is moving to Charlotte with BBT/SunTrust merger.  Thankful for a job and keep his family in your prayers as they transition.
  • @Burlap and @Lysol are traveling to Honduras for some mission work
  • @Turnover is collecting items such as linens, diapers and housewares to give to Mothers in need so they can be supported on this upcoming Mothers Day.
  • UNCC shooting yesterday and all those family and friends impacted.


  • Good turnout and a good group who really got after it all morning
  • A traditional murph, is run a mile, then do 100 pull ups, 200 merkins, 300 squats, run a mile.  Breaking it up this way and with partners was meant to make it slightly more enjoyable.
  • The classic rock tunes also helped make the time pass a little faster.
  • Instructions were not clear on the run, and the loop was shorter or longer depending on the Pax- it became a personal preference thing.
  • @Zima was kind to invite YHC to Q a workout I never post to, so I decided to do a take on a Murph, one of his favorites
  • Great to meet @PostHole
  • YHC was honored to lead this fine group of men

1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    May 1, 2019 11:20 am

    When Goofy told the Pax that we were completing 5 rounds of the circuit, there was quite the audible groan. Strong work in humid conditions. Excellent music. Though, as noted by Zima, no one Pax ran the same route.

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