Conspiracy 3-20-19 A Knee-friendly Work Out

QIC: JuiceBox

Date: 3/20/19

PAX: Dr. Suess (WB), Lambchop, Cheesesteak, Snookie, Razzie, VanPelt (WD)

Seven PAX in total enjoyed to following workout this morning

Warm up: Imperial Storm Trooper, then full lap of the park in reverse peloton formation.

Gather at Tennis Shelter for Tabata, Four rounds of the following with a lap of the track in between sets:

• Derkin/Merkin
• Alternating Lunges
• Russian Twist
• Arm Dips
• Squats

Followed by Mary:

Low flutter
Penguin crunch
Freddy Mercury
Heals to Heaven

Announcements: Marble Arch Relay at WIB tomorrow.

Prayer Requests: Lambchop’s sister Jenny, did not pass through the police academy, for future plans.

YHC took us out.

Any exercise with  “side” in it is right out, also scratch jumps hops or burps so the PAX had to endure a 1.2 mile running warm up.  YHC provide a community safety vest with flashers that could be passed as the peloton advanced.  Someone kept track of the pace noting that it varied from 6:00 min/mi to 9:00 min/mi (when YHC had the lead…)  This was a fast group.

Tabata is a beautiful thing since the Q does not have to count.  Music provided by The Boss, REM and The Who.  VanPelt tried to meet women by cutting off a runner on the track, she may have sped up intentionally.  Don’t underestimate Dr. Seuss speed, he sandbagged early then ripped us on the last lap.

All the PAX were helpful for Mary.  I believe it was Cheesesteak who let the slowest FM  ever “hey it’s my bike…” but it was knee friendly.  VanPelt countered with the fastest Heels to Heaven… we said “20,” but I feel pretty sure I got in like five.”

And that was a wrap.  Grateful to lead these men this morning!