
QIC: Schneider

Date: 2/27/19

PAX: All RunRangerRun team members and other pax


Meet at West Side Baptist Church off Peacehaven Rd. 05:30 or earlier to finish by 06:15 for COT. Wear you RRR shirts.




L peacehaven

L mcgreggor 

L wexham

R browning place

R hunters ridge

L mcgreggor

L mcgreggor park

R sunscape

R bluffridge trail

L mcgreggor park

L mcgreggor 

L mcgreggor downs ln

R Campbell  Glen ln

L mctavish ln

L highland Glen rd

L curry dark rd

L Campbell Glen ln

R mcgreggor downs ln

L mcgreggor 

L tilmark

L Alden to the end, turn around

R tilmark

L mcgreggor 

R peacehaven to church




L peacehaven

L mcgreggor 

L wexham

R browning place

R hunters ridge

L mcgreggor

L mcgreggor park

R sunscape

R bluffridge trail

L mcgreggor park

L mcgreggor 

L mcgreggor downs ln

R Campbell  Glen ln

L mctavish ln

L highland Glen rd

L curry dark rd

L Campbell Glen ln

R mcgreggor downs ln

R mcgreggor 

L mcgreggor to jonestown rd and turn around

R mcgreggor

L til mark to peacehaven and turn around

L mcgreggor 

R peacehaven to church