5 Years of VI Brilliance

QIC: Sassy

Date: 02/11/2019

PAX: Sgt. Schultz, Fingers, Schneider, 60 Minutes, Harden, Spamalot, The Singing Cowboy, Boomerang, Spicoli, Drama Queen, Sour Mash, Sassy

Happy 5 Year Anniversary to the Village of the Idiots. It was a beautiful morning for an outside workout. YHC ensured that the weather portion of the disclaimer was read: “F3 workouts are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold.”

Upon that and many of the other disclaimers, we were off…

ISTs x15 IC
Whirly with the Clap x15 IC
Arm Swirly Things F/B x10 IC
Seal Claps x10 IC
Overhead Claps x10 IC

The Thang
Enough of that, let’s mosey…but not to a shelter because of the rain. PAX was excited for this news based on the reaction YHC heard. Instead, mosey to Publix and gather underneath the pharmacy pickup overhang for next steps. YHC wanted to do a workout in a newer place full of new combinations from the Exicon where most likely neither existed 5 years ago.

Partner up for wheelbarrows:
Line up on a parking spot line and wheelbarrow to the 5th line. Upon reaching the 5th line, perform 5 derkins while your partner holds your legs. Flapjack and then repeato.

Keep your partner and slow mosey to front corner of Publix parking lot for Lindsays, or Forties. Start in front of store using benches or anything you could find to do dips and then mosey to second island in parking lot and back:
10 Dips, 30 Imperial Squat Walkers
15 Dips, 25 ISWs

30 Dips, 10 ISWs

Come back under pharmacy pickup overhang for a game of Dominoes. Not how much pizza can you eat (Note: the WeFoCo PAX have gotten smaller in 2019!).

Find a spot to plank and then go to a side plank with left hand high and hold. PAX then start from right performing 5 merkins and then holding plank position as the dominoes fall from right to left. Being tucked into the pharmacy overhang, it was more a U-shaped line. Upon completion, side plank with right hand high, hold, and then repeato the other way.

Mini Mary Dora
Partner 1 performs exercise, Partner 2 moseys to the specified door approximately 30 yards away (or the end of the parking lot for those not listening…about 60-70 yards away)
50 War Hammers (1 WWII sit-up and 4 American Hammers single count)
100 Plank Jacks
150 LBCs

Just enough time to mosey back to the parking lot, but since YHC was so kind as to not have any exercises requiring laying down on wet pavement, we kept with that theme and did right over left leg stretches followed by left over right.


Announcements/Prayer Requests
Continue to keep Palin and family in your prayers. Lift your brother up in this time! YHC is virtually certain there is a meal calendar out there and that you should touch base with Greenspan for more details on that.

Many sites are in the recruiting phase for new Site Q’s. Step up, be a leader, and own a site!

Schneider has the Q at Parliament tomorrow. He also has the Q for the 2 mile EC run beforehand at 0500.

Boomerang has the Q at TRQ Thursday.

YHC is looking to continue VI’s greatness into its 6th year by having a stellar cast of Q’s. Please reach out to lock in now!

TSC is also looking for Q’s at Bells & Whistles. While in southern Virginia, YHC endorses this workout wholeheartedly. Take some time and make the drive up that way, you won’t regret it…and you especially won’t regret it if Tuco made a surprise Q with his Phil Collins lineup.

No MC from the PAX this morning that YHC heard, seemed to all be about rainbows and unicorns especially when the first mosey began by running by the shelter many hoped we’d run under. The rain was unplanned, but the Weinke was not, so it was business as usual. We also covered a shade over 1.5 miles in the bootcamp, but don’t tell Katniss because bootcamp miles aren’t real miles…j/k j/k.

T-Claps to Schneider, TSC, and Harden joining YHC on 2 miles beforehand. YHC was excited this morning as evidenced by the sub-10 minute 2nd mile up the hill…whoops. Sour Mash also churned out a mile beforehand.

The respects proved why they are respectable this morning. Pretty sure most of them were the first ones down and back in the 40s portion of the workout. YHC hopes to be that bad@$$ once respectable.

Spicoli rolled in right on his time only to find us moseying towards Publix, he quickly caught up with us and was ready to roll.

The previous two site Q’s of VI were in attendance: Spamalot and Fingers. Both are very encouraging individuals that YHC looks up to for their leadership. Great job, gentlemen!

Sour Mash is a disappearing man. He has lost some serious weight in 2019 and continues to plug along with the running, working out, and eating great. Talk about an encouraging dude to be around!

60 Minutes and YHC found ourselves partnering up for whatever Charlie Foxtrot that was that Katniss put together Saturday. Glad to see he wasn’t scared off after that…

YHC’s 2.1 lost her 2nd tooth this morning, 2 days before her 5th birthday. Served as yet another reminder as to how quick kids grow up. Love them, hug and kiss them, encourage them, and fight for them; they won’t be under your roof long. Kids offer a wild ride, but YHC wouldn’t have it any other way!

Proud to serve as your VI Site Q, and look forward to many more mornings in the gloom!

1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    February 11, 2019 2:01 pm

    Great morning boys! Team BBBC racking up some serious RRR miles. And the beat goes on and on.

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