Warming Up The Track

Warming Up The Track

QIC: Chomper
Pax: Manscape (WD), Zuckerberg, Winklevoss, Sac, Balco, Peacemaker, Plunger, Hitman, Valdeze, Chomper

YHC was excited to have the opportunity to Q Redline on Tuesday, January 22. Since the temperatures started at a balmy 20 degrees Tuesday YHC wondered if Pax would show-up for track work. A total pax of 10 showed up to warm up the track and get a little stronger.


We began with a 1 mile warm-up around Hanes Park. If you are in the finish before the rest of us you can choose one of the following when you get back to the Hanes Park entrance Al Gore, Squats, or pick-up the six. Once the six arrived we moseyed to the track for some speed work with warm legs.

4×400 with 60 second recovery
5×300 with 100 meter recovery walk
6×200 3×200 with 100 meter recovery walk
7×100 1×100 with 30 second recovery (we only completed 1)


*YHC was a little ambitious with the ladder plan and didn’t have time for all that was planned. Oops, but we still covered around 4-4.5 miles.
*There were several comments about the 300’s about how lovely they were, especially the last 100 meters.
*Walter White and Wiggles were out in the gloom warming up the track too. They were just a blur as fast as they were running.
*Zuckerberg, coming off injury, Winklevoss, and Sac led the charge for speed.
*Plunger, Balco, and Hitman were stayed close behind the lead group.
*Peacemaker seems to be making a fine recover and is looking sharp.
*Manscape…how can you not R-E-S-P-E-C-T. He is a quiet strong beast.
*After the 1 mile warm-up there was a little mutiny…some pax were doing merkins versus Al Gore, Squarts, or picking up the six. YHC channeled his inner Mongoose and didn’t say anything about the mutiny (SMH).
*There was very little mumblechatter so hopefully the workout was sufficient.
*Thank for the keys to Redline Manscape

^The Pax enjoyed seeing the site Q transition from Manscape to Valdeze. Well done Manscape and look forward to seeing you out there in the gloom Valdeze.
^YHC took us out in prayer and prayed specifically for my daughter who leaves for Africa for two months this Friday.