Impossible Situation Pre-Birthday Party


PAX: Cherry Pie (WD), Lambchop, Buyout, D-Day, Palin, ChitChat (WB), Spicoli (QIC)

The PAX came out to celebrate my last day at 45 by celebrating the numbers 4 & 5.  My 2.0 #ChitChat was in attendance and stole the War Baby title from Lambchop.

Our mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

After the mission statement and disclaimers were made to a crew of seasoned veterans, we began.

Warmarama: general stuff: SSH, Squats, Arm swirls, Whirly, abe vigoda, merkins, peter parker, mountain climbers, etc.

Moseyed to the track for 4 rounds of BLIMPS (Burpees, Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Plankjacks, Squats) with rep count of 5 (5/10/15/20/25/30), running 1 lap between rounds.  #CrowdPleaser

ChitChat kept everyone “entertained” with an endless stream of consciousness, including a new request that while doing IW’s, someone should sing the Imperial March the whole time; so he did.  

Meanwhile Lampchop and Palin were discussing the ways catheters are secured in the body, whether through your femoral artery or through one’s unit.  Descriptions included a balloon and the wrong ways to pull them out.  #Educational

Mosey to pull up bars for 4 rounds of 5/10/15 Pullups, Merkin, Squats.  Inspired by Van Gogh’s invoking of mini-CINDY, but wanted to make it work with 4 & 5.

*** New STUFF:  before proceeding to next activity, I introduced the PAX to Rollback exercises.  It’s were you rollback with your feet straight up in the air, then roll forward, ideally to your feet, and perform other actions.

  1. Rollback with a jump
  2. Rollback with a merkin
  3. Kick Through merkins: from plank kick right leg under body to left side raising left arm, back to center, do same on the right, hit one merkin = 1 rep.

I found these fun but challenging.  Palin said he had fun watching me demonstrate.  There were modifications.  You have not seen the last of these from YHC.  And No, I am not sponsored by Wal-Mart.

Mosey to Education Hill:

Jacob’s Ladder: 1 to 4 burpees at the top, 4 to 1 burpees at the bottom: 4 rounds.  Beer crawl up on odd leg, run on evens.  Everyone loves these.

Moseyed back to parking lot for MOM:

We held plank while Buyout taught us how to count in Ashanti.  Went through twice.  YHC is gonna need a visual to get it, but other PAX did a better job remembering.

Penguin Crunches
Crunchy frogs



  • Lambchop was thankful his M’s procedure was successful and she’s healing at home.  He asks for prayers for continued recovery;
  • Palin has a medical procedure coming up this Wednesday.  Keep him and Caitlin in mind and prayers for good results.  He’ll be at home a few days recovering afterwards.  Reach out and take him for a walk if weather and time permits;
  • Cherry Pie had a praise for good medical results recently with his family;
  • YHC asked everyone to reach out to those you are thinking about; they may need to hear from you more than you know.  A friend from childhood took his own life recently, and I went to the funeral service.  It was hard to see his parents, his children, everyone trying to grieve through the loss. Reach out, if you feel so led.
  • Also, YHC asked for mindfulness as my family is dealing with substance abuse and addiction and trying to make an improvement for all involved.

Buyout prayed for us all with the concerns mentioned and those in our hearts.  He also brought forward thankfulness and praise for being able to do what we do, being examples for others, and to embrace our fellow  man.  Aye!


  • BLIMPS were new to some?  Found this surprising but all enjoyed.  Cherry Pie was out front.  Go figure.
  • Buyout found us on the track, jumped right in with cheerful disposition, and brought enthusiasm throughout the workout.
  • Lambchop and Palin covered topics ranging from STDs, catheters, balloons, urethras, and life saving techniques used on family members.  I have a lot to explain to ChitChat…
  • Great to see D-Day, whose home AO is Speas.  It’s like 3 blocks away.  Appreciate him making the trip to the MotherShip
  • The Rollback exercises were met with skepticism.  I think they’ll be a great addition; we’ll see if they catch on.  Modify as necessary.