Three amigos.

Pax: Fingers (WD), Mongoose, Red Eye (WB, QIC)

Three pax posted today at what is seemingly the best kept AO secret in Dash-dom, The Dawg Pound. YHC was originally supposed to deliver this beatdown plan a few months ago but came down with something akin to the plague at that time . . . the plan didn’t really get better/more enjoyable with age.

At 0630 sharp-ish, we headed out the entrance road to the ranger station for some warm-o-rama. Usual stuff ensued with SSH, Imperial walkers, arm swirly things, seal claps, overhead claps, Abe Vigodas, and some Whirly-really-needs-to-see-a-doctor-about-his-VD. Fair amount of shoulder warm-up was necessary given what was coming, and the Whirlys were a bit of a timewaster as we thought there might be a pax catching up to join us. It was not to be so.

We moseyed up to the shelter parking lot for Tha Thang Phase I.

Pax were told that we’d split into a groups of two and one. The first group would make their way and back across a distance of about eight parking spaces while the other “group” would stay at the start to do the specified exercise. Flapjack. Fingers and YHC did the form of transport first while Mongoose stayed behind to scowl at YHC.

Bear crawl/plank jacks
Crab walk/Nolan Ryans

We then moseyed to the upper Manor House entrance, pausing for a few ab exercises to keep the group together. Then we headed to the pool parking lot for Tha Thang Phase II.

The lot is broken up into two sections of about 20 parking spaces each. We used one of the sections. Stopping at every other space, pax were told to do a set of three exercises. We started with one rep of each and increased by one rep at each stopping point to get to 10 reps of each exercise by the end.

Set 1: Merkins/mountain climbers/Peter Parkers (this sucked)
mosey back to the starting point
Set 2: squats/lunges/speed skaters

We then headed back to the shelter for a little more work but not a full-blown Thang. Each pax found a table and were told to do a super merkin derkin set.

5 Merkins
5 Derkins (feet on bench)
5 Super Derkins (feet on tabletop)

We repeatoed three times, taking a break for 15 double count Imperial walkers after the first set, 15 hill billies after the second, and 15 Raggedy Anns after the third.

Moseyed back to the very start by way of the campground path . . . and done.

Fingers took us out in fine fashion.

Fingers is looking for Qs and a new site Q for the Dawg Pound. Best AO in the Dash. Come post a few times, get familiar with all it has to offer, and then Q. You’ll love it. Being a site Q isn’t hard and it’s a great way to serve your brothers. Step up!

Prayer requests:
Fingers’ step son continues his difficult journey to recovery, so keep him, Fingers, and Fingers’ family in your prayers.

A car or two passed us on our way to the ranger station, and then we saw a flashlight/headlamp making its way towards us during Warm-o-rama. Was it a late pax? Fingers wondered if it was Schneider given what he perceived as the runner’s womanly gait. Not sure what to make of that. It wasn’t Schneider but was in fact a woman.

Lots of shoulder stuff today. Even before we really got rolling with Tha Thang Phase I, Mongoose made a comment about seeing one of the fine orthopedic docs in the Dash for his shoulder, so YHC’s overall plan might’ve sealed the deal on that.

While Mongoose didn’t actually say that today’s workout was sufficient, YHC could tell that he was thinking that it was. He’s the Dawg Pound Q next week and is unlikely to repeat anything that was done today.

Thanks for the keys, Fingers.

Red Eye