Star-Crossed at The Distillery

Date:  13 December 2018

QIC:  SGT Schultz

The PAX:  Schneider, The Singing Cowboy (WD), Sour Mash (WB), SGT Schultz

YHC owed a makeup Q at The Distillery from a previous date when the PAX posted at Biscuitville in lieu of a 34 degree Thursday morning beset by a driving rainstorm with 25 mph winds.  YHC woke up early to plan the workout.  Everything was condition GREEN, yet YHC failed to factor in sufficient time to borrow bricks from the back of Mount Tabor UMC on Robinhood Road and still get to Clemmons by 0530.  As a result, YHC rolled into the alternate AO for the Distillery at 0528 — nearly Spicoli time.   As I drove up, YHC saw the PAX looking all around First Baptist Church for me.  (For reasons completely unknown to YHC, I have an undeserved reputation for getting lost in Clemmons.)

WARMARAMA:   As time was a wastin’, YHC conducted a warmup in record time, counting off SSHs, Arm Swirly Things, Whirly’s and Abe Vigodas at a clip that would even impress Goofy.

THE THANG:    YHC set up a typical starfish (the scheme, not the Nantan) style workout, with a center pain station equipped with a Weinke full of ab/core exercises along with 5 outlying pain stations arranged in a circle around the center, each one focused on a different body part –  legs, chest, arms, back and shoulders — and equipped with a list of exercises to be performed with  bricks where applicable. 

The 4 PAX divided up into two 2-brother teams, one consisting of 2 biological brothers and the other comprising 2 college fraternity brothers.   

The beatdown went as follows:  After performing 20 reps of the first listed Ab exercise in the center pain station, each team moseyed quickly to an outlying pain station, performing 20 reps of the first exercise.   After completing the 20 reps, mosey back to the center ab station for 20 reps of the next ab exercise, then mosey to the next outlying pain station,  performing 20 reps of the first listed exercise there.  Continue in this fashion, proceeding in a clockwise direction to visit each pain station for an entire round before moving on to the next listed exercise at each station.

By the time 0615 arrived, both teams had completed at least 3 rounds of exercises at each outlying pain station and ran more than 2 miles all told.

We dispensed with Mary since ab/core exercises comprised every other set of exercises during the beatdown.

NMM:   Serendipitously (sp?), Queen’s “Hammer to Fall” came on while the PAX were slaving away at American Hammers.

COT:    The Singing Cowboy took us out, asking for His grace and mercy for healing for his mother in law, and giving a moving prayer of intercession for all of us.  

Thanks for the keys, Sour Mash!