Running All of the Seasons at #BBBC

Q: Sassy
Date: 12/14/2018
PAX: Drama Queen, Offsides, Huckleberry, Schneider, The Singing Cowboy, Sour Mash, Sassy

A beautiful morning for Canadian geese as YHC pulled into VI only to find many runners had made the same decision to run.  YHC thought there was a chance that no one would show with the cold rain, but alas, the Village has some diehards and off we went on anywhere from a 2.5-3.5 mile jaunt. With the autumn leaves on the roads, the winter snow on the ground, and the spring rain falling, it was time for us to work on our summer bods with some running!

The route was basically out and back on purpose to avoid the massive snow piles and plowing messes that have made some roads very tight to drive on, let alone run.  P.S., I hit something in this new WordPress and I’m not even sure what, but now the “Preview” looks normal again.

Huckleberry and Offsides took off like the fastholes they are. Schneider and Drama Queen disappeared into the darkness, never to be seen again until the finish…did they just get in their trucks and wait until 6:10 to hop out? Singing Cowboy, Sour Mash, and YHC knocked out some mileage together. YHC was expressing how nice it has been to take some time off, to which Mash responded with “come to Purgatory tomorrow.” YHC plans to become more consistent and back in the fold after the new year, except for the 4 Q’s in 2 weeks coming up before that time! Whoops!

Route is here, enjoyed the fellowship, gentlemen!

Announcements/Prayer Requests

F3/FiA Holiday Extravaganza is tomorrow night! See the Twitterverse, mainly our beloved Nantan’s feed, for the details. If you haven’t RSVPed and want to go, let Bluto know and he’ll get you hooked up.

No spoken prayer requests, but keep our community in your prayers during this time of year. While most of us celebrate with family and friends, others do not and feel very lonely. Please lift them up in this time.

Thanks for the keys, Schneider, I still have them and will bring them to you Monday at VI.