Good amount of Whistles and some Bells

QIC: Poncho

Date: 12/5/2018

PAX: Cobra, Bluto, IF, WINK, SC, BAM, Cousin Roy (WD), Lace, TSA, TPS, Closer, and Poncho (Q and WB)

Q arrived at Reagan HS as instructed by site Q, but was not greeted with the familiarities of BNW. It was 5:24 am and Cowboy’s truck was not by the tennis courts and Winston wasn’t there to greet us. Was I on the wrong day? Oh well, PAX finally descended and we commenced…

Warm up o rama:

Mosey to first light pole (SSH IC)

Mosey to next light pole (SSH…err. wait..we already did that:/ Then, storm troopers IC)

Mosey to next light pole (MC started with jokes of doing SSH again…Abe Vigoda ICĀ )

Mosey to last light pole (Mountain Climbers IC)

The Thang:

Tabata Style. 20/10. Circuits of 3 exercise x 3 sets, then 3 set run drill….

Merkins, Bent over Rows, Low Flutter x 3

  1. Lung walk 1/2, Run 1/2, Lung walk 1/2, Run 1/2
  2. Slow Jog 1/2, Hard Sprint 1/2, Slow Jog 1/2, Hard Sprint 1/2
  3. Lung walk 1/2, Run 1/2, Lung walk 1/2, Run 1/2

Goblet Squat, Skull Crusher, LBC x 3

  1. Frog Jumpers 1/2, Run, Frog Jumpers 1/2, Run
  2. Slow Jog 1/2, Hard Sprint 1/2, Slow Jog 1/2, Hard Sprint 1/2
  3. Frog Jumpers 1/2, Run, Frog Jumpers 1/2, Run

Curls, KB Swings, Box Cutter x 3

  1. Sprint Down/Back x 3

Overhead Press, Box Jumps, WWII x 3

  1. Lung walk 1/2, Run 1/2, Lung walk 1/2, Run 1/2
  2. Slow Jog 1/2, Hard Sprint 1/2, Slow Jog 1/2, Hard Sprint 1/2
  3. Lung walk 1/2, Run 1/2, Lung walk 1/2, Run 1/2

Fast Feet*, Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks

*Last Fast Feet for 1Min straight, no rest



My goal was to keep flow of exercise strong enough to get BAM’s MC over by 5:50…FAILED. His MC game is getting stronger… you’ve been warned!

2nd Q Fail… Bluetooth speaker failed with 10 min. to go… 2nd time in two weeks for BNW. I think we should all chip in and just buy one for the site that is reliable. BNW Christmas List.

Bluto was recovering from some post marathon injuries (Prayers for healing). Closer showed up to try to beat him on the Whistles portion!

F3/FiA Xmas Party at Brookberry Farm. $10 at the door but recommend to keep a roll of $5s for tipping in Brookberry (Gate Security, Valet, Coat Check, Shoe Shine, Cigar to be cut and lit, etc…)


SC mother in law has leg surgery and is on the road to recovery.

Lace’s brother in law suffered a bad injury playing with his kids.

Continued prayers for Resistor and Landshark.

Q took us out.

Thanks for the keys, Cobra