Playing Blackjack at Village Idiocy

QIC: SGT Schultz

Date: November 26, 2018

PAX: Offsides (WD), Sassy (WB & Site-Q), Schneider, SGT Schultz (Q), THE Singing Cowboy

Q:  SGT Schultz

Date:  November 26, 2018

The PAX:  Offsides (WD), Sassy (WB & Site-Q), Schneider, SGT Schultz (Q), THE Singing Cowboy

YHC took advantage of an unexpectedly warmer and drier morning at Village Idiocy to utilize a workout that I had previously planned for my Q at The Distillery earlier this month on November 15, but had to postpone due to craptacularly cold, wet and windy weather that day.

WARMARAMA:   A usual medley of SSHs, Hillbillies, Seal Claps, Arm Swirly Things, Whirly’s with a social disease, Abe Vigodas, standing hamstring stretches and Mountain Climbers.

THE THANG:   After warming up, the 5 of us moseyed over to the shelter in front of the YMCA, which adjoins a cinder track that is approximately 1/3 of a mile long.   There, YHC had a supply of bricks laid out, along with a deck of cards and a container chock full of slips of paper upon each of which was printed an exercise to be performed while holding bricks  (for example:  turkish get-ups, one-legged step-ups, Merkins while holding bricks, lateral raises, curls, squats, burpees, etc.)

Going along with a general theme of chance that Total Recall and myself have incorporated into some recent beatdowns (including rock/paper/scissors, dice, War card game), YHC decided to see how incorporating Blackjack into a workout would work out.

To that end, we divided up into 2 teams — one with 2 PAX and the other with 3.    During each round, one representative from each team stepped up to pull a slip of paper out of the container.  The opposing representatives then commenced to play a hand of Blackjack.   The winner got to pick which of the two drawn exercises his team would perform, with the losing team having to perform the other (usually more difficult) one.   Moreover, the winning team only had to perform 15 reps of their exercise, while the losing team had to perform 21 reps of theirs.

To add further importance to  winning, once each team lost a total of 5 hands, they had to run a lap on the track (1/3 mile).   (The team loss count was returned to 0 after completing the lap) Meanwhile, the other team did Monkey Humpers while waiting for the other team to return from running.

All in all, we finished approximately 18 hands of Blackjack, with each team losing enough times to run a lap apiece.  As time was running out, both teams had 4 losses, so we decided to end the beatdown by all of us running another lap together.


  • Reminder of the F3 Christmas Party on December 15
  • Mistletoe 5K/10M is this Saturday morning
  • Prayers for Schneider’s and Sour Mash’s cousin, who is with child after a long struggle to become pregnant.  Prayers for a successful pregnancy and the birth of a happy and healthy new member of the Perry tribe.
  • Offsides took us out, with a very eloquent and moving prayer of thanksgiving to our Lord


Thanks for keys, Sassy!