Leg Day

QIC: Roosevelt

Date: 11/21/2018

PAX: Thistle, Root Canal, Mutton, Lambchop, Snooki, Glazer, The Vig, Drip, Van Pelt, Chisel, Cherry Pie

Mosey to track:  Warm up – 20 SSH, 10 Abe Vigodas, 20 Monkey humpers

10 pickle pounders, 8 Jack Webbs

To bench area:  20 Dips, 20x Aiken Legs

(20x step ups, 20 box jumps, 20x lunges, 20 running w/scissors, 20 squats)

Run half lap:  BLIMPS – Burpees (until Six finishes 5 burpees)

10 Lunge, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 plank jacks, 30 squats

To bench area:  Until six completes 20 Dips, 20x Aiken Legs

(20x step ups, 20 box jumps, 20x lunges, 20 running w/scissors, 20 squats)

Run:  up Clover to intersection with Glade.  Calf raises until six – the Q arrived.  

Mosey down – To Tennis practice court:

60 second wall sit, 20 second Balls to Wall, 20 Mike Tyson, 60 second wall sit

Mosey To bench area:  20 Dips and 20x Aiken Legs – in cadence

(20x step ups, 20 box jumps, 20x lunges, 20 running w/scissors, 20 squats)

We did this round in cadence.  From how difficult it was, I got the sense that I may be subconsciously counting by 2 or 3’s when counting OYO.


20 Crunchy frogs

15 low flutters

15 low dollys

10 Partner – push legs down

Mary may have been slightly different than described above – I was too busy struggling to remember plan and do cadence to think straight.


Cherry Pie reminded us to keep recruiting new folks for F3.  He said we needed some folks who could keep up with him.

Mutton is leading convergence tomorrow at Hanes Park at 7am but it sounds like there is a pre-5am run and 5am Murph for those interested.

Thistle took us out with some thanks to God and our many blessings.