Conspiracy 11/7

QIC: Chisel

Date: 11/7/2018

PAX: Chisel, Cheesesteak, Post Hole, Mutton, Lambchop, Joe Smith(F3Cary), Glazer, The Vig, Cherry Pie, Razzie.

PAX: Chisel(Q), Cheesesteak, Post Hole, Mutton, Lambchop, Joe Smith(F3Cary), Glazer, The Vig, Cherry Pie, Razzie.

Warmorama:  SSHs, slow mountain climbers, ISTs, Whirley with a clap

there and back:

mosey to track

B-UR-P-EE 1/4 mile

10 squats, run 1/4 track

10 squats, 10 in and outs, run 1/4 track

10 squats, 10 in and outs, 10 merkins, run 1/4 track

10 squats, 10 in and outs, 10 merkins, 10 jump squats

mosey to pull-up bars

Hands in the air

line up behind pull-up bars.  5 pull-ups then back of line.  while waiting do jack reachers then forward arm circles. Keep going until everyone does 3 rounds of 5 pull-ups.

mosey to picnic tables

Dip sandwich

20 dips

20 rl stepups

20 derkins

20 ll stepups

20 urkins

20 dips

mosey to Reynolds Auditorium

Dora Sunrise

Partner up for 100 merkins 200 squats 300 LBCs

partner runs around building

by the end could see Winston skyline as the sun rose

mosey back to picnic tables

20 dips

20 urkins

20 dips

mosey back to pull-up bars

2 rounds of 5 pull-ups with overhead claps while you wait in line

mosey to track

5 burpees oyo

mosey home


freddie mercurys

peter Parker’s

WWIIs for ~1 min until end


F3 Xmas part dec 15

several f3 men and wives running marathon in Richmond this weekend

thankfully I remembered to Q even without a Swiss Miss reminder

hard work by everyone as we kept moving this morning
