Triple Nipple at DawgPound

QIC: Drano

Date: 10/06/18

PAX: Ink Spot, Drama Queen, Plunger, Butter Maker, Radar, Touch Me Not, Huckleberry, Drano

Glad to see a strong number of PAX at WestFoCo’s Premier Saturday workout. YHC didn’t get to Omaha for a SadClown trail run like the last time on Q. Huckleberry’s driver (TMN) rolled out of the car just as the clock struckĀ  0630…and we were off!

Mosey to Campground office for WOR:






Mosey to Picnic Shelter 2 parking lot

Burpees x 10 OYO

Mosey to Fountain behind the B&B

Box Jumps x 15 OYO

Mosey back down the hill and hook a left up to the tennis court parking lot

Turk n’ Burps x 10

Mosey back down to lower entrance of B&B for the Triple Nickel (not Triple Nipple, Huckleberry)

Squats/Cobra Humpers at the bottom, Derkins at the top

Mosey back to Picnic Shelter 2 (Plunger Omaha’d an Indian Run)

Continue Mosey on the greenway back to launch


Heels to Heaven


Double Merkin Burpees


Sign up for the HeartWalk

Nice push by the PAX, mileage range: 4.4-4.97 miles.