Parliament 10.16.18

QIC: Lite Brite

Date: 10.16.18

PAX: Lite Brite, Goofy, Bull Dog, Rescue Annie, Wobegon, Schneider, Vegamite, Sargent Schultz, Sassy

Contrary to my pre-blast we did start on time at 5:30. If I spent more time on Twitter I might have seen how saying we were starting at 5:35 might even be considered  “FUNNY” although by accident.

Sassy’s car sat in the parking lot this morning as I pulled in.  After running the Burbon Chase over the weekend he has to press on in order to run in the Richmond marathon coming up. I am not sure if he properly planned this schedule very well. At least he gets to run Richmond with his wife. Maybe if she slows down he can catch up to her.

Good to see the return of Schneider, Vegamite and Schultz from VI the previous morning.

Warm O Rama-   Running with Scissors ( this was for goofy, I would have like to have a video), overhead arm claps, mtn climbers, arm swirley things .


The Thang–  Mosey to cinder blocks. YHC ran right by the pile because the dumpsters were not recognized.   John Cusack down to playground area. The “John Cusack” did not last all the way down.

YHC had the pax partner up for Dora 1,2,3. However my 60 year old brain blurted out 100,100,100. Partner(a) was to run and then bear crawl to end of playground while partner (b) was performing the exercise. Much to my surprise  each of the teams finished the squats  way faster when the thought they had to do only 100.

Next- we did a mosey over the the steep hill and walked up the hill with our cinder blocks. At the top we kept the same partners and did a little up down drill.  Partner (a) went down the hill and did 10 push up, while partner (b) did Freddy Mercs. It was supposed to get easier on us because we were doing less pushups each trip , however the Freddy Merc’s were cruel after 5 trips.

Mosey to cinder block resting spot for a bit of work.

Curls for the girls, over head press, bent over row ( REPEAT)


Mosey to playground– since we did not get to workout out are triceps  we stopped at playground and did 3 sets of Dips in cadence and rotated with steps up.

We were ready for 3 minutes of Mary.


Thursday– the 200th edition of TRQ is upon us. YHC was an HC for a Goofy led beat down. Who want to miss the 200th of anything. Hard to believe it has been around that long.

Prayer Requests– those suffering from addictions and depression. The young lady who was killed in a car accident recently, people suffering from the damages from the Hurricanes. YHC took us out.


I did not get a chance to ask him but I am more than curious as to how “Rescue Annie” got his name.

Peace Out – LB


1 Comment

  • Goofy
    October 17, 2018 9:48 pm

    @RescueAnnie is a paramedic. The doll that they train on is called a Resxue Annie. A most outstanding name.

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