It’s not complicated at Redline 10/25/2018

QIC: Rust Bucket

Date: 10/25/2018

PAX: Rust Bucket (QIC), Manscape (WD), Total Recall, Sac, Bueller?, Boo Boo, Peacemaker, The Vig, Balco, Mr. Hand, Beverly

Redline 10/25/2018 – It’s not complicated, Guys.

PAX:  Rust Bucket (QIC), Manscape (WD), Total Recall, Sac, Bueller?, Boo Boo, Peacemaker, The Vig, Balco, Mr. Hand, Beverly

Warm-a-Rama (on the track):

  • SSH X25 IC
  • Stretching
  • One lap with butt kickers, high knees, Apollo Creed, etc.


  1. Speed Work: 400 meters (1 lap) at 5K race pace
  2. Rest: Recover (mosey) 400 meters
  3. Speed Work: 800 meters (2 laps) at 5K race pace
  4. Rest: Recover (mosey) 400 meters
  5. Speed Work: 1200 meters (3 laps) at 5K race pace
  6. Rest: Recover (mosey) 400 meters
  7. Speed Work: 1600 meters (4 laps) at 5K race pace
  8. Rest: Recover (mosey) 400 meters or until the 6 completes their 1600 meter speed work

Mosey to The Intimidator.

  • Sprint to first stop sign, mosey back down. Only time for one of these.

Mosey back to parking lot.


  • Mission 5K this Saturday. Watch Twitter or check it out online.
  • Kapow organized a 5K next Saturday. Not sure of details but I bet BAM could enlighten us all.
  • Group of guys completed a RIRO. It was dark so I didn’t know who all they were.
  • Strong work by all


YHC took us out with words of thanks and hope for continued improvement  as men. And for prayers both spoken and unspoken.


Thanks for the keys, Manscape. An honor to lead.

Rust Bucket.