Good Start to the Week at #The Estate

QIC – Bluto

Date – 10/29/18

Pax – Chisel, Cheesesteak, Snooki (WB), Cherry Pie, Root Canal, Balco, Thistle, Huckleberry, Roosevelt, Light Brigade, Manscape (WD), Dip, Bluto


This was a typical Bluto workout – fairly lengthy W-o-R with the usual offerings like SSH, ISTs, Squats, Arm things, Mtn Climbers, Peter Parkers.

Mosey the long way to the parking lot behind Silo for DB drills.

Mosey to the traffic circle for Fast Feet, Irkins, Fast Feet and Dips.

Mosey to the start of the Reynolda Village – WFU Trail.  Run to WFU and exercise at each of the 12 light poles.  First stop – 1 Merkins and 9 Squats; second stop 2 Merkins and 8 Squats.  And so on, and so forth.

Parking lot on the other side – Zombie Walks, Broad Jumps, Zuckerberg (who did a marathon Saturday) Power Skips, Bunny Hops.

Run up the hill to the library.  Bear Crawl up the steps and run down the ramp x 3.

Honoring Saturday’s Marathoners – Hillbillies for Beverly and Walter White.  Some arm thingies for Patch.  Jump Squats for Wink (as he’s tall).  Pickle Pounders for Suede (selected by Root Canal – no one wanted to ask).

Mosey back to Trail.  Stop at each of 12 lightposts for an increasing number of Broad Jumps: 1, 2, 3, 4……….12.

Mosey back to the start for Mary – I think we did LBCs, Mutton Crunches, Penguin Crunches, Low Flutter and Planks, including a long period of 6 inches.




NMM – Must teach Root Canal how to do Broad Jumps.  Snooki did 4 Fast Feet for every 1 the rest of the PAX did.  Cherry Pie in #BeastMode as always.  Roosevelt sprinting to the finish.

Announcements – Keep EH’ing guys!

Prayer requests – A young local WSO doc (with 2 kids) passed away unexpectedly Fri.  Drip going on a surgical mission trip to D.R. to do ENT surgery.  Prayers for civility, peace and understanding for our country and world.

YHC took us out.


Thanks for the keys, Huckleberry!

