Flushing Runner’s Arms Down the Toilet @ The Outhouse

QIC: Balco

Date: 10/22/2018

PAX:  Drip, Greenspan, Mongoose, Red Eye, Zima

YHC arms have gotten a significant rest over the past few months while I was focusing on running.  This was my first bootcamp post since June so I was a little nervous.  I like to avoid counted exercises so I figured grinders would allow the more enthusiastic pax to get as hard of a workout as they wanted without my runners arms slowing them down.

Overhead Claps
Whily has the Clap

Mosey around part of track to tennis courts

Ladder of Ladders
1. Start at sideline of court 1 and run to other sideline of court 1 and do one burpee, Run to far sideline of court and do 2 burpees. Then far side of court 3 for 3 burpees. Recovery run back. Repeat with 4/5/6 burpees.
2. Above routine repeated with WWII sit-ups but 2/4/6/8/10/12
3. Merkins 3/6/9/12/15/18
4. MC 4/8/12/16/20/24

Mosey to TJMS parking lot

3 man griders
Starting down the steps at the wall with other station across parking lot.
1. Donkey kicks and Freddie Merc
2. Rebound drills and CDD
3. Mike Tyson and LBC
4. Wall sit w Jack Reachers (NOT Hand Reachers) and Heels to Heaven

Mosey back to lot for low flutter


Thanks Greenspan for the keys. I enjoyed using my arms again.