Backblast OGs/Tractors 10/26/2018 Wet and Cold, perfect.

QIC: 'Bout Time

Date: 10/26/2018

PAX: Closer, Greenspan, Palin, Sac, Bluto, Peacemaker, The Vig, 'Bout time, Zima, Shakes, Balco

YHC arrived in heavy rain with The Vig, who was thumbing for a ride.  Many fartsacks today.  We hit many a wet pot holes on our way around BV.  Bluto and Closer recalled the glories of their marathon the previous weekend. The Vig was doing charity run, picking up trash. Sac tried to pull ahead, but didn’t know the route.  3 others joined at the end, all OGs.  No Tractors today! Interesting.


Wink, Patch, Zuck, Ultralite, Beverly, Suede have a marathon this week.  Good luck to them.

Palin has put together a group for Mistletoe 5k at F3WinstonSalem-Pax on the Mistletoe website.  Look for the team name.


Prayers for Billy, Greenspan’s dad, who is having surgery for possible cancer; also for a friend of many – Keith Vest, Booboo’s brother in law, has cancer;  and my bro Arthur Rogers in Durham, recovering from surgery.

YHC took us out.


  • Jacob Spangler
    October 26, 2018 10:55 am

    Uhh, hate to break it to you but Greenspan, Peacemaker and YHC ran tractors, or something that resembled the tractors route. Zima ran both. Great route. Many thanks to Greenspan for the push and accountability!

  • Michael Rogers
    October 26, 2018 11:50 am

    I love it! Great to know and great to see someone read the backblast! Tractors, your glory has been restored.

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