The ESTATE 9.10.18

QIC: Lite Brite

Date: 9.10.18

PAX: Huckleberry, Cheese Steak, Peeta, Litter Box, Chisel, Hazer, Touch Me Not, Barbie, Snookie, Drip, Sweet, Hedwig, Land Shark, Turnover, Lite Brite

A bit cooler weather greeted the pax this morning with some humidity in the air. We had several sightings of some fast holes at different points of the workout. It looks as if they are adding some earthly beings to their midst.  I still have doubts I will ever be allowed to run again with these fast beings  after being “SLOW SHAMED” by Mongoose many months ago.  All is good because I forgave him a year after the date he shamed me



Warm O Rama-   SSH, MTN CLIMBERS, MERKINS, Arm Swirley Things, Overhead Seal Claps


The Thing:


Mosey down to down into the heart of the parking lot to locate  ” THE CONCRETE HILL“.  Objective was to traverse by various modes of transportation  half way up the hill and then take  a jog the long way around to the starting point to do some merkins.  We constructed a  road block along the way to keep the pax together.

(a) we waited for the to start of the merkins until the 6 got back  and everyone had to plank while waiting for the 6.   We increased the # of merkins each time by 5.

#1- Bear Crawl/ 5 merkins

#2- Forward Lunges/ 10 merkins

#3- Crab Walk/ 15 merkins

#4- Reverse Lunges/ 20 merkins


Mosey to the field

At the field we did a Jacobs ladder. Run 50 yards 10 burpees and come back to do 1 WW2 sit up . We added another road block(SSH)  when we got back to do the WW2 sit ups until the 6 got back from burpees.  So on and so forth until we got thru the ladder.

Alas time was running short. So the Q did an Omaha for the second ladder and we ran all the way down to the other end of the field 100 plus yards and did 20 diamond merkins and came back and did 20 Freddy Mercs.

Time was running short and did a mosey back to the parking lot where we had 5 minutes to do some popcorn Mary. I will try and remember a few of what we did.

Box Cutters, Penguin Crunches, Side Arm Plank kneel (not sure what Cheese Steak called it) and I know I am missing one.

It is always nice to meet new pax and today I met Barbie and Turnover for the first time. It just goes to show you that it is healthy to diversify your workout routine to meet some new people.  Great to see Hedwig after a prolonged absence due to his “HEART” rotation.


GAS GROUPS- be looking for email and twitters for this announcement.


Prayer Requests:

First Responders and People in the path of the Hurricane,  Undertows Dad “Bob” as he recovers from surgery.

YHC took us out. It was great being out in a different setting this morning. Thx to all the Pax who showed up.







1 Comment

  • Hazer
    September 10, 2018 9:16 pm

    Great Q as always LB. lots of leg and shoulder work with a bit of abs thrown in as well. Solid beat down. Don’t be such a stranger at The Estate. Aye!

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