Purgatory 9/8/18

QIC: Palin

Date: 9/8/18

PAX: splash, spamalot, drip, thistle, goofy, root canal, mutton, boomerang, bulldog, burlap, undertoe, lite bright, green acres, dday, palin               

Purgatory 9/8/18

PAX: splash, spamalot, drip, thistle, goofy, root canal, mutton, boomerang, bulldog, burlap, undertoe, lite bright, green acres, dday, palin

Q: Palin

I repurposed a large part of the workout from an Outhouse wienke I had planned for 8/13 but was unable to administer due to an alarm clock malfunction.

As the crowd started to gather, there were lots of jokes and laughs at my expense about waking up and threats of gifting me an old school alarm clock. YHC took the jokes in stride, knowing that I would have my revenge.

Warmup: SSH (done in sufficient quantity to quiet the MC, may have been excessive), AV, W w/ C, IW, FAC, RAC

Mosey the long way to the tennis courts

Line Drill, yo-yo, jingle jangle, Linienpendel, Line pendulum

  • When I had planned this workout I researched the history behind calling this exercise a “suicide” as I felt uncomfortable using the word in light of a recent suicide. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word was first used in print in 1967 in a Burlington, NC newspaper. I think that the options listed above are a more apt and appropriate word to use
  • Variety #1: sprint down, burpee x1, backpedal to start, jump squat x10, stopping at each doubles sideline
  • Variety #2: Alligator walk to the far sideline of court #1, bear crawl to the near sideline of court #3, gator walk to end, monkey humber x5, reverse going back
  • Variety #3: lunge walk to the far sideline of court #1, crawl bear to the near sideline of court #3, gator walk to end, monkey humber x5, run back

Mosey the long way to the rock pile, partner up and grab a (mostly) mutually agreeable rock

Dora 123 – P1 performs exercise while P2 runs around circle. Rotate rocks throughout to share the pain joy

  • 100 curls
  • 200 tricep extensions
  • 300 squats

Walk to wall

  • Peoples chair
  • mike Tysons x10
  • people chair
  • derkins x10

Mosey to the cars – During mosey Splash mentioned that he wanted to sit around as a group and have a deep, meaningful discussion to conclude the workout. YHC appreciated his input and sought to incorporate it

Ring of fire – YHC was having none of sitting around so when you returned from running around the ring, announce to the group something you are grateful for. Some were more meaningful than others, and that’s ok. #missionaccomplished

Mary by committee

Juicebox’s M and dog.0 stopped by to say hi. I hope he can get a doctor’s note to start coming to parliament soon…

Great workout and effort by all. Lots of good laughs before, during, and at the end of the workout. Thanks for inviting me to Q TR!


  • Run the stairs in remembrance of 9/11 – BB posted to late
  • If you know anyone under 50, invite them to F3, per Goofy #Ageism
  • Rugged Maniac 10/27, other less fun OCR are coming up
  • Splash’s Tuna200 team is looking for a few more runners

Prayer requests:

  • Undertoe’s Father (Bob Meadows) is doing well with treatment, day 5 of hospitalization
  • YHC’s mom is 10 weeks sober and doing well. YHC’s brother just had his second child, all healthy