Hurricane Florence Relief

QIC: Sassy

Date: 09/22/2018

PAX: As many PAX as possible!

Q: Sassy
Date: 09/22/2018
PAX: Any and all PAX!!!

9/21/2018 1:15pm Update:

Again, thank you for all of the donations. Truly amazed at how open the PAX have been in giving towards this. What started as a thought one night earlier this week has turned into an incredible journey. This is just another reason that I tell people that F3 is “more than a workout.”

Now, there is one last minute opportunity to donate! I will be at Peace Haven Baptist Church around 7pm to collect any remaining donations you’d like to make. PHBC is between Lowes Foods on Robinhood and Messiah Moravian near the intersection of Robinhood and Peace Haven. There is one PAX that has HC’ed already, and would love to see others, if possible. Below is a message I have received from a most likely recipient of many of these items:

URGENT NEED: Grifton Mission Ministries is currently out of all individual canned veggies, bread, & very, very close to being out of protein (peanut butter, spam, Vienna sausage). They do not currently need fruit or peanut butter crackers.

As you’ve probably noticed, the needs change almost daily; so thank you for providing many basics that will always be needed. Now that we are one day out, specific needs can be met easier by us. If you would like to donate anything, please meet me at 7pm at Peace Haven Baptist Church.

9/20/2018 10:00am Update:

Thank you to all PAX who have contacted me and donated items towards Hurricane Florence relief. I will be at BBBC tomorrow, so please bring any donations that you have to me there and I will collect and load them for our drive Saturday. Even if it’s 1-2 cans of food, a case of water, anything, every little bit counts! I also could meet you later tonight, if necessary. Please DM me on Twitter if you can’t make it to BBBC and would like to provide something, I will do everything I can to meet you. I have a few things that we purchased for our own hurricane supplies that will go unused, so am taking that stuff with me, and I know a few of you probably are in the same position. I also plan to go to Costco in the next couple days.

Also, T-Bone of F3ENC (@F3TBone) is trying to gather up some of their folks to go to Carterico Saturday to help with hard labor (ripping off drywall, ripping up floors, etc.) and is asking for any able-bodied person to assist in those efforts. For ENC, it’ll be a down and back day trip, but let him know if any of you would like to join in that effort.

Many have asked where these items are going. The short answer is wherever the greatest needs are. My expectation is that they will go to people most in need in the New Bern, Trenton, Grifton, Kinston, and Washington areas first, and then from there we have people up and down the coast and in Southeastern NC that need much help. Greenville itself was mainly spared, so even though I am starting in Greenville, I’ll be heading south and east from there and letting F3ENC and others tell me where they need me. This hopefully will be the first of many trips to the East for us, with Cobra and others mentioning a more manual labor trip being scheduled in the near future for our Carterico and Cape Fear friends.

Thank you again for your giving so far, these donations will make a lasting impact on our community and they will be forever grateful for your generosity.

9/18/2018 9:00pm Update:
Cobra posted on Twitter a message passed along from our brothers at F3 Carterico. They are asking for monetary donations, supplies, and boots on the ground. Click here for their GoFundMe page: F3 Carterico GoFundMe Page. Borland (@Garnet_and_Grey) and Au Jus (@robbyoakes) are heading this up on behalf of F3 Raleigh and F3 Churham with 100% of the funds going to Fitch Lumber Company as supplies.

Bluto has also sent a message linking F3 Cape Fear’s GoFundMe page. Click here to donate to this cause: F3 Cape Fear GoFundMe Page. 100% of these funds will go to the F3 Cape Fear Foundation to be used for Hurricane Florence relief efforts.

I have heard from a few PAX that are planning to donate items. Please DM, text, or call me with any questions you have or if you’d like to meet up outside of an AO. I’ll be more than happy to coordinate with you on a location. Thanks guys!

Original Post

I mentioned on the Twitterverse last night that I will be heading to Eastern NC on Saturday to deliver supplies, offer help where necessary, and work with our F3 brothers down east to continue the rebuilding process that will continue for many weeks and months ahead. I will be taking my girls with me, but that does not mean that others that would like to clown car in another car can’t go down there as well.

So…as I shared last night, donations are needed in any way possible. Our brothers in F3ENC have had an outstanding community response team that is working with the Grifton Mission Ministries, which happens to be my hometown, amongst a litany of other local non-profits. Below is the latest list that I have seen from the “F3/FIA ENC (Pitt & Beaufort Counties) Community Response” Facebook page. Gazelle of F3ENC will hopefully tag along with me once I get to Greenville to help. Food, water, and toiletries are standard, but there are some other specific needs as well.

I will be running Wednesday at the unofficially official new AO, Kat’s Meow, in Clemmons, First Pres Wednesday evening for small group, Distillery Thursday, and BBBC Friday. I can coordinate other plans, as necessary, as well.

Thanks for anything that you consider giving, it will mean the world to the people of Eastern and Southeastern NC to receive these.

Plastic Forks
Toiletries such as toilet paper, toothpaste, feminine hygiene, etc.
Boxes to pack food
Wax paper sheets – pre cut for hot plates

Canned goods
Non perishable items
Peanut Butter