the “no theme” theme beatdown

QIC: Whirly

Date: 08/20/18

PAX: Hazer, Litter Box, Chisel, Cheesesteak, Touch Me Not, Swiss Miss, Roosevelt, BAM, Total Recall, Burns, Bill Nye (former FNG Jake Dappler), Whirly

12 Pax gathered this morning to see if YHC would deliver on the implied requirement to come up with a clever theme and plan that would allow the pax to become stronger without drudgery and boredom.  They were probably disappointed because we…


SSH, IST, CLAP, ABE- all in IC, various counts

Mosey to the island behind the silo:

10 copperhead squats

Bear crawl around island

Fast feet x 10 IC

9 copperhead squats

Bear crawl halfway around island

Fast feet x 9 IC

8 copperhead squats

Bear crawl 1/4 around island

Fast feet x 8 IC

Repeato until we get to 5, then mosey to the interior courtyard of the retail stores:

1/2 pax do 20 box jumps, other half do 20 dips


1/2 pax do 10 left leg step-ups, other half do 20 dirkins


1/2 pax do 10 right leg step-ups, other half do 10 merkins


Mosey to the practice field

Three rounds of 5:00 of:

Round 1:

Sprint 50 meters and do 10 merkins, sprint back and do 10 WWII situps

Work down the count until 5:00 is up

Round 2:

Same, but with overhead claps and heels to heaven

Round 3:

Same, but with seal claps and gas pumps

Run as fast as possible back to parking lot


Mutton crunch x 10 IC each side

Boxcutters x 10 IC

Penguin crunch x 10 IC



Shmedfest is Saturday (NOTE: location change- it’s at the farigrounds this year).  There will be a beatdown at 8:00 in which all men, women and children are invited to participate.  The party starts at 4.  If you haven’t registered, please register so K&W and Wiseman bring enough food and beer.  Register here:

Hazer is organizing round 3 or 4 of allowing guys who are not in a F3 small group to sign up to get in one.

Prayer requests:

Burns’ wife is traveling to Arizona to visit her grandparents.  Pray for safe travel and for a good visit.


Swiss Miss was doing something weird with his mouth/vocal chords during warmorama.  I don’t know if it was intentional, but it sounded a lot like that bleeping sound I heard when someone was playing Space Invaders at the skate rink back in the ’80s [1980s].

TR plugged GAS groups as follows: GAS groups are great…when I started attending my GAS group, I was just an insignificant millennial; since then, I have been promoted to Assistant (To The) Regional Manager at Fiat Chrysler and I credit the guys in my GAS group.

For those who haven’t heard the story, I recommended someone (F3 name rhymes with “Resistor”) to Swiss Miss (note: Swiss Miss is not a criminal defense lawyer), Swiss Miss sent me a thank you card, I marked through the person’s name and posted a tweet that included a picture of the thank you card complete with “SYITG.”  The F3 pax whose name rhymes with “Resistor”  informed me, the pax and the NC State Bar that the “permanent” marker I used to mark out his name on Swiss Miss’ thank you card was not “technically” permanent.  An anonymous pax (singular or plural) started a gofundme page to raise the money necessary to buy me a real redaction marker.  It came in the mail Friday…all of that was a set up for my message during the COT: we can attempt to erase things in our lives that we don’t like, but only the Nantan in the sky has a real redaction pen…all of this moved BAM to tears, and he quickly forgot about the bitterness of Bill Nye not being named bowtie or Windsor.

Speaking of Bill Nye- welcome former FNG Jake Dappler.  He’s a science teacher at Reagan, and friend of Burns (in that order).


YHC took us out.