Scoring Touchdowns at The Distillery

QIC: Sassy

Date: 08/30/2018

PAX: Ice Dancer, Patch (F3 South Wake), Vegemite, 60 Minutes, Schneider, Harden, Dr. Johnny Fever, Sour Mash, Sassy

Runners: Drano, Offsides, Katniss, Ramses

Q: Sassy
Date: 08/30/2018
PAX: Ice Dancer, Patch (F3 South Wake), Vegemite, 60 Minutes, Schneider, Harden, Dr. Johnny Fever, Sour Mash, Sassy
Runners: Drano, Offsides, Katniss, Ramses

Somewhere around 9 PAX embarked on the Distillery for an extra steamy workout. It was pitch black with no street lights to start with, so it was near impossible to see anyone. About 5:25, the fire alarms started going off and soon afterwards, we saw fire engines rolling in to assess the situation. No smoke coming out of the AO’s structure, so we pressed on.

Imperial Walkers x15 IC
Arm Swirly Things F & B x10 IC
Side Lunges x10 IC
Whirly w/ Clap x10 IC

The Thang
Mosey to the shelter via track

Dips x15 IC
Step-Ups R & L x15 OYO
Derkin N’Diayes x10 OYO (Derkin position, put each foot down and then back up before doing a derkin)

Meant to repeato, meant to add mountain climbers, meant to do merkins….YHC doesn’t have contacts right now and can’t read worth a lick.

Grab some bricks, partner up, and slow mosey to the middle of field for a modified Dora. YHC had about a 25 yard stretch to run into the endzone for touchdowns, but Ice Dancer found that to be lame and wanted 75 yards, so we compromised on about 30-35. Partner #1 performed the below exercise with their blocks while Partner #2 sprinted to the goalpost and back.

50 Skull Crushers
100 Chest Presses
150 Squats
200 Heavy Freddies – Freddie Mercs holding blocks above chest
250 Bent Over Rows

Slow Mosey back to shelter

Overhead Presses x15 IC
Curls x15 IC

Put blocks back and mosey back to the parking lot for Mary

Penguin Crunches
Heels to Heaven
Low Flutter (via Offsides, who joined us for Mary)


Prayer Requests/Announcements
Bourbon Chase Runners: It’s hot, humid, and everyone seems to be making great progress in their training. Great job so far, gentlemen!

The morning was about as soupy as it has been the entire summer. YHC noticed via Garmin that it was about 75-76.

Welcome to Patch from F3 South Wake! He was YHC’s partner in Dora work and just smoked it. I’m not sure he was ever out of breath the entire time.

Ice Dancer is still wondering when the real workout begins…YHC is wondering if there should be a contest amongst Ice Dancer, Van Gogh, and Zima to see if any of them ever get tired.

Sour Mash departed us at 6 because his 2.0 has to be in school at some ridiculously early hour. That gave Dr. Johnny Fever an out as well, unbeknownst to YHC. YHC thought the workout may have been too much for Dr. JF, but in reaching out directly since, it appears it was a lack of sleep plus work obligations hanging over him that caused the early exit. YHC hopes to see Dr. JF at future AOs, and we traded pleasantries via email.

Harden saw others were bailing and decided to bail pre-Mary, blaming it on needing to get home (RIRO style) to get the kids ready…where has YHC heard that excuse before?

Offsides was kind enough to join us for Mary, inserting MC as necessary.

60 Minutes and Vegemite seemed to be silent, but deadly, yet again. They seem to fall in that tough guy mold much like Boomerang. Speaking of which, YHC hopes to see Boomerang soon! All of this running keeps YHC away from the traditional AO workouts most of the time.

Ramses still hasn’t attended a non-running workout in a while, maybe one day…

YHC heard Katniss and Drano at one point, but never saw them again after warming up. Glad to see Drano back out there as he was suffering from a lazy bone recently per our conversation in the Lowes Foods bear garden the other night.

YHC will be reaching out soon to fill dates for VI Q’s, the email listserv is queued up and ready to go soon.

YHC took us out.