Pre-school year Mayhem

QIC: Red Eye

Date: 8/21/2018

PAX: Touch Me Not, Litterbox, 1040-EZ, Lemming, Plunger, Turnover, The Pony Express, Offsides, Ink Spot, Spam-a-Lot, Bulldog, Red Eye (QIC)

Pax: Touch Me Not, Litterbox, 1040-EZ, Lemming, Plunger, Turnover, The Pony Express, Offsides, Ink Spot, Spam-a-Lot, Bulldog, Red Eye (QIC)


A dozen pax gathered at foggy (and somewhat skunky) Meadowlark Elementary to reaffirm that Mayhem is the #PremierWednesdayWorkout.  YHC is sure that Zima also reinforced this fact while Qing at Conspiracy today.  YHC had the pleasure of being substi-Q, although I’m not convinced the pax enjoyed it as much.


Usual suspects of SSH, Imperial Walkers, Abe Vigodas, Whirly’s Got VD, arm swirly things, merkins.

We then moseyed over to Jamison Park, slowing briefly by the bus lot to inhale the noxious diesel fumes . . . the buses have returned.  At the entrance to Jamison, pax were told to pick up a healthy sized rock, and we continued our mosey to the short connector between the two main Jamison parking lots.

Pax got their instructions for Tha Thang . . . they did the following sets of exercises, 20 reps of each exercise.  After each set, they ran to the far end of parking lot where they paused to do 20 merkins.  After the merkins, they returned to their rocks, and planked for the 6 (some lassied back) before starting the next set.  We alternated between the two parking lots for the merkins for variety’s sake.

Set 1
goblet squats w/rock
seal claps

Set 2
mountain climbers, double count
skull crushers
overhead claps

Set 3
lunges, each side w/rock
shoulder presses
arm swirly things forward

Set 4
squat jumps
bent over rows
arm swirly things backward

Set 5
fast feet, double count
upright rows
Moroccan Night Clubs

After returning their rocks, the pax moseyed over to the pavillion.  The ceiling fans were on, but didn’t provide much relief.  Pax enjoyed the following:
step ups
box jumps (squat jumps for some)
high fast feet (edge of the bench)

Pax then returned to the upper Jamison parking lot for a round of DB drills.  For the return trip, we did Apollo Creed through the parking spaces.

As we moseyed back towards the starting point, we stopped at the middle school side entrance to do some bear burps . . . we bear crawled the length of two support posts (~10 yards), did something akin to a burpee motion, then continued the bear crawl/burpee pattern for the length of the overhang.

Back to the start point for


LBCs, mutton crunches, penguin crunches, heels to heaven, box cutters, Raggedy Annes, variety of planking to close things out.


Prayer requests:
Kiddos, teachers, bus drivers, etc. and parents as the new school year begins.

Schmedfest is upon us!  Register TODAY if you haven’t already.  F3/FiA/2.0 beatdown at the fairgrounds on Saturday morning, 8 AM.

Very quiet bunch this morning.  Must have been wishing for a Splash Q.

Bulldog and Offsides rolled in on Spicoli time but certainly got at it quickly enough.

Good to see Touch Me Not . . . sounds like he’s enjoying his new 2.0.


Thanks for the keys, Zima.


Red Eye


  • Kevin Stein
    August 22, 2018 8:46 am

    Solid looking beatdown, RE, with many of YHC’s go to exercises. Wasn’t lacking for humidity out there today. Humidity plus diesel fumes plus skunk smell equals Mayhem!

  • Spamalot
    August 22, 2018 12:01 pm

    There were multiple factors that made this miserable. Oh yeah, then there were the completely excessive number of merkins.

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