5 PAX and Classic Tunes

QIC: Boomerang

Date: August 9, 2018

PAX: Wobegon(WB),Sgt. Schultz, Undertow, Ziggy Stardust, Boomerang(WD)

At 5:20AM there were only 2 PAX and my plan for Burpees was not looking well.  Then a 3rd arrived and it was looking  better, however partner workout plan was being modified in my head. Alas, 2 more arrived and all is well.

Warmarama (all in cadence)


Mountain Climbers X 15

Hillbillies X 15

Mosey to the flagpole

More Warmarma

In no particular order and the Q admits he needs to work on some things for cadence, order, etc. of routine:

Squats X 15

Plank Jacks X 15

Imperial Stormtroopers X 15

Burpees X 5 on your own

The Thang

Mosey to the Rock Pile

Partner up and look for a rock that is agreed upon and talk it over, that what the Q has been told works.  Sgt. picked a great one.


100 Bent over rows

200 Curls

300 Bench Press

One partner does 1/2 lap as lunge then runs remainder each time exercise changes, otherwise run lap.

5 Burpees and …

Mosey to the Lido Deck

Urkins X 20

Step Ups X 10 each leg

Alt Lunges X 10 each leg

Derkins X 15

Burpees X 5


Mosey to cars for MARY

Burpees X 6


LBC’s, Protractors, Freddie Mercuries, WWII (Schultzy Style), Penguin Crunches


Undertow’s daughter as she starts back to school, his father with a recent diagnosis and further tests

Hoser’s family as they face the new norm, prayers for peace and healing


Schmedfest and how to make it even better by going to Wisemen on Tuesdays.

YHC took us out with prayers for those mentioned above and those not mentioned, those who suffer with addiction both openly and in private.

Burpees totaled 85 for the PAX-first 50 for Hoser who walked this earth for 50 years and left a mark on many a man, including YHC and the total of 85 is for my mom aka Scottie who helped mold me into the man I am today and celebrates her 85th this month.

Not much mumble chatter this AM, the Q was just glad to lead a PAX that he respects and learned some new facts from their lives.  Thanks Schultzy for picking just the right rock!






1 Comment

  • Goofy
    August 9, 2018 9:51 pm

    Hated to miss this one! At least it wasn’t a slaughter starter of burpees.

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