A journey to your inner merkin

QIC: Splash

Date: 6/7/18

PAX: Splash, Palin, Ink Spot, Wobegone, Closer, GPS, Tiny Dancer (Former FNG)

Wobegone put out the call for a Q needed for 6/7/18 and with my crazy travel schedule I jumped at the chance to Q on a day when I knew I would be in town. Besides I hadn’t been to TRQ since Short Sale was the site Q and it was high time I showed up. I reached back for inspiration to the only other time I Qed TRQ and decided I would revisit the 12 Merkins of Christmas but with a fresh new theme. The 12 Merkins of Christmas the sequel; June edition, this time it’s personal! With a plan firmly in hand and 6 suckers, I mean Pax ready to be beatdown it went something like this:

I started with a brief mention of the lizard brain. This is a concept put forth by evolutionary biologists that we have layered higher brain functions one on top of the other as we have evolved. The lizard brain refers to that very early evolutionary conserved part of us that served us well 50,000 years ago when life was a little harder but is seriously maladaptive to our current environment. It is that part of you that tells you to rest instead of workout because you might need your energy later when you are being chased by a sabre tooth tiger. Or that you should eat everything in front of you because you don’t know when you’ll see food again. This was helpful when sabre tooth tigers and starvation were a major cause of death as opposed to todays champions of death, heart disease and cancer. I urged the pax to ignore their lizard brain and push through the pain that was to come. Ink Spot got a bit choked up and asked if I could continue to lecture for another 45 minutes on the topic. I was sorry to disappoint him but those merkins weren’t going to just do themselves.

Warm O Rama
IW x15
Abe Vagoda x10
Whirlly x15

Hill Billy x15

The thang:

Mosey to other end of the parking lot by the wall

Partner up size did not matter, all merkins will be 20 reps, pax were asked to go slow and with good form. Reference was made to an article Drano sent out that stated if you could do 20 merkins easily then you are doing them wrong.

Partner 1 Merkin x20
Partner 2 LBC till partner 1 is done then flapjack

SSH until the 6 is up

Repeato but
Partner 1 Diamond merkin
Partner 2 Low flutter

Repeato but
Partner 1 Wide merkins
Partner 2 Box cutter

Wall interlude:

Peoples chair with 50 Jack Reachers

BTTW while each pax counts to 10

Back to Merkins

Partner 1 Archer merkins left hand out (one hand in close the other pushed out)
Partner 2 Freddy Mercury

Repeato but
Partner 1 Archer merkins right out
Partner 2 American hammers

Repeato but
Partner 1 Hand release
Partner 2 Rosalita

Wall interlude:

Peoples chair with 15 head/shoulders/knees/toes

BTTW while each pax counts to 5 (because I’m not a monster)

Back to Merkins

Partner 1 Ranger merkin
Partner 2 Juanita

Repeato but
Partner 1 Derkin on the curb
Partner 2 Low Dolly

Repeato but
Partner 1 Crucible merkins
Partner 2 Crunchy frog

More Wall stuff but to be honest by this time I pretty freakin delirious so there was peoples chair and some other badness

Final 3 merkins

Irkins on the curb
Penguin crunch

High right low left merkins
Mutton on the right

High left low right merkins
Mutton crunch on the left

Final wall stuff, just as bad as before

Mosey back to cars for Mary

Planks of various types were called


Mountain climbers

and Ink Spot called for the low flutter


We listened to the Hair band playlist from Spotify throughout as I thought it would be a fitting goodbye to the ability to comb one’s hair (although admittedly this has not been a concern for YHC in sometime).


YHC took us out asking for help to remember our health is a gift and needs to be maintained, to help those struggling with addiction, patience for parents with school almost out, safe travels for al those traveling and finally for those effected by the volcano in Guatemala.


I am on the last day of my LLS fund raising campaign

IS on Saturday will have some kettlebell action, I believe Van Gough has the Q

Closer brought an FNG who was a former professional dancer, and Palin shouted out Tiny Dancer and that was pretty much it. Welcome Tiny Dancer! Look forward to SYITG!

Thanks to Wobegone for the keys, it is always an honor to lead.


1 Comment

  • Closer
    June 7, 2018 8:25 pm

    Nice Q! 240 merkins is no joke.

    Enjoyed the global languages used during counting for Balls to the Wall. 7 PAX managed to bring 4 languages. Appropriate for the AO Speas Global Elementary.

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