A handful of Idiots in the Village driving BLIMPS

QIC: Sassy

Date: 06/11/2018

PAX: Drama Queen, Boomerang, Vegemite, Zebra (former FNG Richard Watkins), Sassy

Q: Sassy
Date: 06/11/2018
PAX: Drama Queen, Boomerang, Vegemite, Zebra (former FNG Richard Watkins), Sassy

YHC arrived at the Village’s premier Monday workout to find a couple cars already parked and ready to roll. YHC then noticed a potential FNG walking across the parking lot only to hear “is this the F3 workout?” Those words were music to YHC’s ears and he joined us to make it an even handful this morning in the gloom. It went a little something like this:

Abe Vigoda x10 IC
Peter Parkers x10 IC
Parker Peters x10 IC

Mosey to Publix parking lot, stopping periodically on the way for the following:

Whirly with the Clap x15 IC
Arm Swirly Things (F&B) x10 IC
Seal Claps x10 IC
Overhead Claps x10 IC

The Thang
Now that we’ve warmed up via mosey to Publix, YHC figured that hopping on BLIMPS would be the best way to travel for the meat of the workout. We utilized a 4 corners style workout for this exercise, going in the following order:

1st corner: 5 Burpees and 10 Lunges each leg
2nd corner: 15 ISTs and 20 Merkins
3rd corner: 25 Plank Jacks and 30 Squats
4th corner: 35 LBCs and 40 Freddie Mercs (single leg)

Any good workout should be repeated, so we decided to repeat it for good measure.

Mary was on the move today. We did the following while moseying back to the parking lot:

Captain Thor: 1 WWII Sit-up/4 American Hammer combination up to 5 WWII/20 AH
Low Flutter x10 IC
Penguin Crunch x20 IC


Prayer Requests/Announcements
Boomerang’s son’s shoulder

YHC’s daughters are performing in a dance recital tomorrow night and Zebra’s daughters are performing Saturday.

Shmedfest – It is at the Fairgrounds in late August, see Plunger for details.

Zebra comes to us as a therapist for mental health and substance abuse. He was EHed by a friend of his from F3 Raleigh (didn’t catch his name). He has 3 daughters: a 9 year old and 4 year old twins. Originally from Henderson, he officiates high school and college football and basketball, hence the name Zebra. We gathered all of this intel without him realizing we were trying to name him, which made it even better. He did a great job and we look forward to seeing him in the Village AOs in the future! We enjoyed getting to know him throughout the workout.

It was a very respectful PAX this morning. DQ always pushes everyone to go farther. Boomerang was the typical silent assassin and dominated everything about the workout. Vegemite was also crushing it and YHC enjoyed getting to chat with him some during the workout.

Boomerang has also agreed to Q VI on 6/25, what a HIM! YHC is in need of Q’s starting in July so reach out if you are interested.

YHC took us out praying for the above requests as well as for peace in this world of turmoil.

Have a good week, everyone!

1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    June 11, 2018 7:47 pm

    Addition of Publix was an excellent addition to an already excellent AO. Strong looking beatdown!

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