Slow it Down Lamar

QIC: Roosevelt

Date: 03/21/2018

PAX: Cherry Pie, Blue Steel, Root Canal, Glazer, The Vig, Greenspan, Tonka, Gelding, Jar Jar, Chisel, Snooki, Manscape, Juice Box, Swiss Miss

I find it amazing if not scary that I can barely remember what happens during my Q –  I usually type up a plan and try to follow but inevitably improvise and while I usually remember where we kept to script, I can recall very little of what was off script.  Glad these backblasts are not graded and hope I’m not blackballed from Qing again!

The theme for the workout was good form.  I may live in a glass house on this one – but trying to fight temptation to bang out exercises quickly rather than doing correctly.  That was thought behind timed exercises.  I nixed tabata as I like flexibility to do 60 second of squats but 20 seconds of dips.  I don’t think one time fits each exercise.  Anyway, there is lots of stuff online about form for our most common exercises and if you come out, you really owe it to yourself to use proper form.   I imagine a lot of the injuries are a result of poor form.

We did 20x SSHs in the parking lot as we waited for some stragglers.  We moseyed to and around that track once before a proper: 15x IST, 10x Abe Vigodas 10x whirlys with clap, 15x mountain climbers.  We ran to the top of the intimidator and came back to the tennis shelter.   I put on some AC/DC and started some NOT tabata.   20-60 second of each:  Burpees, Squats, Dips, Lunges, Merkins, WW2 Sit-ups, Plank

We then ran another lap around the track and back at covered area for some not-Tabata including step-ups, box jumps, squats, reverse lunges and who knows what else.   I probably forgot the last exercise because I knew we had one more go up the Intimidator.   I was the six and appreciated Blue Steel’s encouragement to get to the top.

We moseyed down the hill and back to the covered area for some more not-Tabata including WW2 sit-ups, Heels to heaven, russian twists, mutton crunch, jane fondas, low flutter and rosalitas.  I think we may have finished with a plank or maybe that was the previous go round.   Also, somewhere in there we did a round of overhead presses – maybe towards then end.

We finished with what may have been the worst prayer ever.  My heart was there but the rest of my body and mind was not.  Please pray for Blue Steel’s brother who they are trying to locate ahead of his Mom’s birthday.

Glazer mentioned I run this weekend – contact him if you would like more details.

Thanks for the hard work for everyone who came out, patience with the Q and the birthday wishes.