Full Assault on Bailey Park

QIC: Spicoli

Date: 3/16/2018

PAX: Boomerang (WD) Snooki, Burns, Bevo, Tonka, Starfish, Plunger, Drip, Palin, Van Gogh, Zima, Cheese Steak,
Toe Tag, PETA, Sleeper, Hedwig, Gelding, Light Brigade, Greenspan, TSA, Playdo (WB), Spicoli

YHC got to the AO a little early (shocker, no #SpicoliTime).  As I got out, a few Jabronis returned from an #EC run, including @RoadApple, @ToeTag, @Hedwig, and I’m not sure who else.  As @RoadApple pulled away, the cars started showing up.  And they kept coming…

As the PAX kept rolling in, YHC turned to the wisdom and experience of #Starfish and momentarily considered recruiting him to #Omaha as a Co-Q and take half the PAX to an undisclosed location.   But I stuck to the plan and here’s how it went:

Warmarama: SSH, IW,Merkins, Peter Parkers all IC

Mosey up to 5th Street and proceed to the trusses for the train

  • Train – Murph: 3 rounds: 10 pullups, 20 merkins, 30 squats OYO
    • on or after the PAX last round an actual train was coming so YHC moved the PAX to the courtyard outside of Alma Mexicana.  Finished reps if you had them.
  • Reconnoiter Mosey through courtyard since train was causing a racket.  We would return

Jacob’s Ladder

Proceed to base of grassy knoll where YHC demonstrated a Prison Cell Merkin Burpee.  We did 5 at the bottom, 1 at the top, changing increment by 1 each time.  Bear Crawl up on odd trips, Run on even.

  • My self-proclaimed Co-Q, Zima, made the demarc for the low end of the field, so you can thank him for the extra 30 yards of flat to do your bear crawls from.  #GetOutOfYourComfortZone  #LeadByExample

Now that the train was gone, PAX moseyed back to the courtyard

3-man grinder

After a count-off-by-3 method that was less than effective, got the PAX into groups of 3.  YHC was odd man out, but made it work.  So after the explanation, we got it going with a 3-man grinder

  • Station A: HR Merkins x 10, Squats X10, Low Flutter x10 repeato
  • Run the length of the courtyard to relieve your partner
  • Station B: Diamond Merkins x10, Jumping Lunges x10, Low Dollys x10 repeato
  • Run back.  Rinse and repeat
  • We did at least 5 rounds

Mosey back to Bailey Park

Street sprint

PAX moseyed to base of Vine Street.  All you got sprint up to rise at the back of the stage, mosey back and plank.  Did this 3 times.

mosey to Baily Park Fountain wall


Plank – various
Reverse plank: tried to have PAX count in a circle.  Math wasn’t our strong suit this AM
Low Dolly IC
Penguin Crunch
Plank to Peter Parker IC



COT: YHC took the PAX out with words of thanks for allowing me to lead a large group and that your presence and energy is inspiring.  That we all remember those battling addiction and keep our brothers and sisters in mind, this affects them as well as their loved ones.  Asking that we be men of accountability, compassion, and strength to spread light and peace into our communities and to live by example.


  1. Brother Starfish described several expansion options coming up.  If you want to get involved, if you want to be a #HIM, Tweeter Drew Dixon aka Starfish
    1. Personal plug: if you’ve never been part of a regional launch, then you are missing out.  There are ones throughout NC, but interstate expansions are particularly fulfilling.
  2. Brother Plunger (aka #Fasthole) mentioned #Schmedfest which will be in August at the Dixie Classic Fairgrounds with mention of “F3 Olympics”.  Not sure what that will entail, but all precious metals to be provided by Plunger.  Possibly recycled materials from waste water plants, so stand by.
  3. Palin and Starfish are doing Ruck workouts in preparation for the Winston GrowRuck event coming up in August (terrible idea that time of year).  If you need more information, Tweet Palin.  Make sure it’s him and not that lady from Alaska.  Could get confusing.
  4. YHC put out a reminder in addition to bringing new guys out to reach out to a guy you haven’t in a while.  It’s getting warmer and lighter in the AM, so a great time to come out.


  • Bailey Park is a beautiful AO.  Well lit.  Lots of places to explore, including the medical campus areas.
  • It was amazing to see so many faces, some of them new to YHC.  Inspiring.
  • Zima and VG were out front on Jacob’s Ladder.  No surprise.
  • A real train came by!  Fun.  Dangerous.  Avoid.
  • Strong work by all the PAX.  I thoroughly enjoyed leading you gents this morning.