Complaints were plentiful at #Purgatory

QIC: Tuco

Date: 3/3/2018

PAX: Boomerang, Ripple, Total Recall, Splash, Hoptoberfest, Argyle, Spamalot, Green Acres, Goofy, Undertow, Lace, D-Day, Bulldawg

YHC favorite workouts keep the Pax relatively close which provides good opportunity for 2nd F during 1st F.  YHC forgot this also allows all the Pax to combine their MC strength like Voltron to form a super MC entity.  Voltron only had five component parts, today’s entity had between 8-10.  T-claps to Ripple and Lace for just busting it.  Most of rest had moments of less than enthusiastic support and critique.  More later.  Let’s do this.


SSH x 20 IC

IW x 15 IC

MC x 20 IC

AV x 10 IC

Mosey to rock pile and select a medium sized rock (some chose wisely, some did not), take rock with you for slow mosey to bottom of hill.

Thang – Tabata 20 on/10 off x 5 sets then up and down hill

OH Press

Bent over row

Skull crusher




Allen Iverson (figure eights) – omaha to next exercise when this proved very uncomfortable with rock as opposed to a kettle bell

Side squat

Pirate ships

Bus driver

Chest press


Front raise

Trunk twist

Mosey back to rock pile, return rock, fast mosey to parking lot for Mary


LBC x 40 IC (crowd pleaser)

Penguin crunch x 15 IC

And scene!


Splash fundraising for Leukemia and Lymphoma society, starts March 27th, will be putting together SufferFest and party May 12th.  Details to follow.  #SplashFest

March 17th, 2.0 tryout session available for Tae-Kwon-Do, Hoptoberfest has more details.

March 24th, Hedwig bachelor party (sort of) workout/hike.  Date may not be accurate.  Check with Toe Tag?


Total Recall took us out asking for strength to be good men at all times and thanked Him for group of men supporting each other this morning.


My goodness these men were chatty this morning.  In chronological order as best I can remember.

SSH and AV were too fast during WOR.

Why did we have to take the rocks to the hill, could have ran closer to the rock pile.  And my answer to not really running with the rocks was called out as wrong, slow mosey to bottom of hill was apparently not accurate.

Argyle went running by as he arrived a few minutes late, dutifully grabbed a rock and joined Pax.  Man got right to it, no complaints, rare this morning.

Music was from free Spotify, one commercial was endured, apparently one too many.

YHC playlist is basically classic rock from 80s and 90s.  YHC locked in, what I like, not likely to change.  Playlist included three Guns & Roses songs.  Apparently two too many.  Asked if I was going to play the whole album next.

Some disagreement over counting of the sets.  A couple of times may have ran after four instead of five, complaints about counting. Then when YHC ensured we ran after five, complaints that we did not run after four.  Can’t win.

Goofy was a rocket on two trips up the hill.  Claimed he can go fast twice.  As various Pax mentioned “that’s what she said” there was no disagreement from Goofy.  Twice!

Language in one of G&R songs and message was discussed.  Hoptoberfest pointed out while language is not ideal for 2018 sensibilities, the message is actually positive about the individual in the song.  Agreed was okay.

FBG from Queen was also discussed.  Message questioned however Pax decided not body shaming as the aforementioned FBG are being celebrated.

And finally, M came into parking lot as she had Q at FIA.  Exchanged 2.0s as she raced off.  Comments made about her preparedness based on fancy, dry erase board Wienke compared to YHC’s piece of paper.  At least that is what the Pax said they were looking at.  2.0s joined COT and were terrified of most of the Pax appearance and smell.

So much said, guessing I caught 40% at most.

Great morning for me.  Pax were getting after it in between MC (mumble crying?) and pushing me to push myself.  Appreciate the time and the opportunity.

TR, keys given to my 2.1 to give back to you.  Likely lost, sorry.


  • Spamalot
    March 3, 2018 4:04 pm

    Worth repeating….we only tease the ones we love. Strong leadership in the face of a hostile crowd. Great work brother!

  • Goofy
    March 3, 2018 7:55 pm

    Tuco – that was a super workout. Definitely got my money’s worth of the first F. YHC loves to banter, so also got my money’s worth there. Everyone had a great time. You weren’t the only one catching grief – YHC thinks he was the victim a few times. Trying to remember @Boomerangs outstanding comment on my performance (not at F3). Tclaps to you. Well done.

  • Bob Koneru
    March 4, 2018 10:38 am

    Feed on the chatter. Plus lets me practice ignoring people which helps with the 2.0s.

    Thank you all. Always a great start to the day. Alarm still sucks and always worth it.

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