Block Party at The Distillery

QIC: Spamalot

Date: 02/15/18

PAX: Schneider, Shake n Bake, Spamalot

Q: Spamalot

Pax:  Schneider, Shake n Bake, Spamalot


Perhaps it was the pre-blast warning of fun with cinder blocks that kept the masses away from The Distillery this morning.  Per Twitter, several regulars had responsibilities with 2.0s that kept them away.  Nevertheless, the show must go on.  As YHC pulled into the parking lot, two other Pax were ready and waiting for today’s edition.

A full disclaimer was given:  1) YHC not a professional, 2) Pax where there of their own free will.  No one coerced or forced them to post, 3) exercises called would be merely suggestions.  Pax free to modify as necessary, including not doing them, 4) by participating in the workout, the Pax were assuming the risk of potential injury, and 5) should they injure themselves, YHC would point them in the direction of the nearest hospital.

Off we went, moseying to the back field.  As we left the parking lot, Shake n Bake asked whether YHC was an attorney by trade.  That obvious, huh?

We completed a full lap around the football field and circled up for:


Hillbillies, Whirly w/clap, OHP, Seal Claps, Arm swirly things (forward and reverse), and Copperhead squats.  All x 15, all IC.



Grab a cinder block and mosey to covered area for:

Dips x 12, Curls (w/block) x 12, Dips x 12, Curls (w/block) x 12.  All IC


Mosey to field for some ladder time:

Complete 10 reps of overhead press with cinder block.  Leave block and mosey to far end of field and complete 1 rep of WWII situp.  Return to start and complete 9 reps of overhead press, mosey and complete 2 reps of WWII situps.  Continue this pattern until 1 rep of overhead press and 10 reps of WWII sit ups.


Return to covered area for some fun:

Erkins x 10 IC, 10 R leg step ups (OYO), 10 L leg step ups (OYO), Derkins x 10 IC


Back to field for another round of ladder work.  This time:

10 reps of curls and 1 rep of LBC.  Same process as before until 1 rep of curls and 10 reps of LBCs are attained.


Return blocks and mosey back to parking lot for MARY:

Low flutter x 12 IC, mutton crunches (both sides) x 10 IC, low dolly x 12 IC




1.45 miles covered.

Loved the small group dynamic this morning.  Smaller numbers brings something special.

While only one Perry brother posted this morning, Schneider was in front on all of the ladder work.  BBBC paying off.  Strong work!

Shake n Bake was a tad over-dressed for the 60 degree weather, but it did not slow him down.  YHC thinks he was humoring the Q by keeping it close during the mosey.

At one point during the ladder work, YHC’s key to the car fell out.  Fortunately, YHC noticed it immediately, thus avoiding a difficult call to the M.  PHEW!

All Pax were pleasantly surprised at how dry the ground was.  Well at least until Mary.


Palin may still have an open spot for the Habitat build on 3/10.  DM him for info.

Lunch bunch on Friday.  Check Twitter.

BBBC is on for tomorrow.  Sassy to post PB!

Prayers to all of those impacted by the events yesterday in Parkland, Florida.  With all the Pax being “ayes,” we all know that this is not normal.  Those Pax who are hates have grown up with the specter of school shootings.  It did not used to be that way, and we as a society must come together and solve this crisis.


Thanks to Schneider and Shake n Bake for coming out this morning.  Had a great time with you guys.

Appreciate the opportunity SourMash!!

Hope everyone has a great day.
