A whole lotta grinding going on! Wait, that doesn’s sound right…..

QIC: Splash

Date: 2/19/18

PAX: Burns, Ziggy Stardust (WD), Swiss Miss, Tuco, Snookie, Chisel, Jar-Jar, Greenspan, Blue Steel, Gelding, Touch me not, Cheese Steak, Huckleberry, Tonka (WB), Pan Handler (formerly FNG Drew Shindler), Splash

The pax: Burns, Ziggy Stardust (WD), Swiss Miss, Tuco, Snookie, Chisel, Jar-Jar, Greenspan, Blue Steel, Gelding, Touch me not, Cheese Steak, Huckleberry, Tonka (WB), Pan Handler (formerly FNG Drew Schindler), Splash

So I got a DM yesterday from Huckleberry reminding me that I had agreed to Q the estate today and I totally remembered (NOT!). So I needed a theme but had to keep it simple as that’s the kind of guy I am. That being said I thought of the perfection that is the grinder. It was introduced to me by the one and only Starfish and I immediately hated its simple terribleness. You never stop moving and get to rest while you run. What could be more perfect for what I believe is the Dash pax youngest workout.

So here’s how it went down:


Ssh x20
IW x 20
Merkin x10
Mt Climberx15
Parker Petex15
Whirly w clap x15

Splash’s grinder

Mosey to running path count off in 3s

We ran in groups to the benches along the path
Group 1 stopped at the first bench and did step ups alternating until relieved
Group 2 went to the second bench and did Dips until relieved
Group 3 went to the 3rd bench and did Derkins x15 then run to group 1 and relieve, 1 ran to group 2, and group 2 did Derkins and then repeat until all groups did all exercises

We then did it again but did with

Box jumps

Burpees x15
As above

We then ran to the hill behind the village and did additional grinder work

Group 1 Merkins at top
Group 2 Hammers at bottom
Group 3 run back to top and flapjack till all done

Then Burpees at the top
WWII at the bottom

Diamond merkins at the top
Low flutter at the bottom

Then it was time for Mary and we did my favorite!




YHC took us out asking for us to remember we are God’s instruments in this world and to try and make the change he wants. Asked for help to remember those who would give anything to be out with us but who cannot. For help remembering our health is a gift and a privilege to be maintained by us.

Mumble chatter: Surprisingly little chatter that I could hear although much of the time I was just trying not to pass out in front of all the young-ins  so I may have missed a bit.

Appreciated the good humor of the Pax who actually followed me through this grinder!


Toe Tags Birthday is today and we think he spent it running at 5:30 am, we hope it was a good run.

Welcome to Pan Handler! Look forward to seeing him out and killing it again soon

I am running for man of the year through the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. It is a fund raising competition and I will be hosting a suffer fest followed by a party to raise funds. The campaign starts at the end of March and goes through early June. More details to follow.

My great thanks to Huck for lending me the keys!