Thankful for the PAX at Dawgpound

QIC: Spamalot

Date: 12/02/17

PAX: Road Apple, Rustbucket, Touch Me Not, Drano, Bam!, Whirly, Spamalot

A warmer than expected morning welcomed the six other Pax who were kind enough to accompany YHC.  Not only was it my first Q at this AO, it was my first post as well.

Drano arrived early, and after some vigorous warmups, off he went for a little 10 minute EC run.

As 630 drew closer, he returned and armed with a great group of men, we began:



Usual stuff here (all IC, all x 15):  SSH, Whirly w/the clap, IST, Overhead claps, seal claps



The plan was simple…run towards the first shelter (about 0.80 miles away).  After each 0.25 mile, stop and perform the following exercises:  first stop: merkins x 10 IC; second stop: LBCs x 20 IC; third stop: squats x 30 IC.

Upon arrival at shelter, grab a table for:  Erkins x 1o IC, r leg step up x 10, L leg step up x 10, dips x 10 IC

Continue to run along path towards stables, and follow path around perimeter of shelter area. (about 0.85 miles)  Continue to stop each 0.25 to perform one of the above exercises.

Upon return to shelter, back to table for:  derkins x 10 IC, box jumps x 10, shoulder shrugs w/table x 10; dips x 10 IC

Continue to run along path towards stables, and follow path around perimeter of shelter area. (about 0.85 miles)  Continue to stop each 0.25 to perform one of the above exercises.

Once back at shelter area, time to head back to parking lot.  Continue to stop every 0.25 miles for exercises.

Strong push to finish line!

Total distance covered:  3.25-3.5 miles.  Individual results may vary.



Fantastic group of men out this morning.  Great to post with Road Apple.  Usually only see him as he is finishing EC runs!

In case you did not know, Touch Me Not is officially fast.  So is Drano.

While he claims he is not back at 100 percent, YHC would suggest that Rustbucket is still a beast.

Thanks to BAM! and Whirly for hanging towards the back, so as not to leave the Q totally in the dust!


Announcements/Prayer Requests

Mistletoe 5k and 1/2 marathon – many PAX running.  Good luck to all

Road Apple’s mother – prayer as she continues her road to health

Friend of Drano was was involved in car crash.

17 years ago, one of YHC’s best friends from college tragically died.  Eric Miller was 30 years old, father of a one-year old and a true #HIM.  Long story short, he was murdered by his wife, who I also knew in college.  While I miss Eric, I try to focus on who Eric was, not the circumstances surrounding his death.  Thanks to the Pax for indulging me.

Great morning with the boys.  Thanks for the opportunity Road Apple!

Spamalot out!!



1 Comment

  • John Griffin
    December 4, 2017 9:26 am

    Great to have some first-time PAX out to DawgPound! Touch-Me-Not is becoming a DawgPound regular, and stayed out front all morning. Ideal number of PAX this morning, nice to see strong numbers a few weeks in a row, #DawgPoundRising!

    Thanks for your leadership Spam, my core is still feeling all those LBCs…

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