Airline Travel Part 2

QIC: Plunger (WD)

Date: 9/20/17

PAX: Red Eye, Zima, Quiver, Mongoose, Balco, Senor Froggy (WB)

7 PAX including 3 frequent fliers showed up at #Mayhem to finish the flight and see what all the fuss was about. The flight flan was logged so the PAX took off. Their journey went something like this…

Warm o rama
Merkins x 10 IC in honor of the year of the Benjamin
SSH’s, Running with Scissors, Peter Parkers, Windmills, and the Whirly with the clap, then we were off to assist the ground crew with the bags

Baggage loading
At the rock pile the PAX selected a carry-on bag that could be used for various lifting exercises including: curls OHP, Bent over rows, and skull crushers. There was a lame attempt at a conveyor belt strategy – Qfail – be true to who you are – creativity forced is a fairly ugly thing when YHC is involved. Of course we needed to do some more Merkins before we left to taxi. Merkins X 10 IC

Taxi for takeoff
Run to the park entrance road pause for more Merkins X 10 IC then very brisk mosey to the wall to fasten our belts for takeoff.

Wheels up
Put your tray tables up by performing 20 Jack Reachers IC. That damn kid behind you keeps kicking the seat perform 10 Donkey kicks OYO. He finally stops but only for a minute… 10 more donkey kicks OYO. As we ready for take off it is a bit turbulent so its almost like we are upside down. Balls to the Wall for approximately 45 secs. Then on to our flying altitude

The flight pattern
It was actually a crazy configuration. Almost like we were flight in the shape of a crazy 8. In fact it would have been if we could have gotten the in flight lights on. SO we have to settle for an amalgamated oblique. With 8 Burpees at the bottom of the hill near the track, a sprint toto right edge of the field looking at the school, up the hill for 16 Manmaker merkins – 8 each arm then spring back to the parking lot edge and down to perform 24 American Hammers – 2 count and then back up the hill to the sun for 36 Squats. It just seemed like we went round and round. In fact we di – 3 times. It was nearing the end of our flight so we headed back to the wall to fasten our seat belts and put our tray tables up with another set of Jack Reachers X 10.

The pilot came on and informed us that planes were stacked up to land so he was going to try and hurry to make a landing window. As such the PAX sprinted back to the airport for landing (Mary)

Mary was indeed glad that no one perished so in honor we did 10 dying cockroaches IC. YHC shared that he likes to listen to tunes when flying so Queen and Freddy Mercuries were call, 20 IC. In honor of being cramped in the seat 10 Penguin crunches were called. Finally to stretch those legs out 8 Mutton Crunches were called each side.

O we forgot one. The first time flyers needed to feel the joy of flying so YHC ended the journey with The Big O, x 10 EW. Having brought everyone in safe. The chocks were set, the bags were in and the PAX was done.

Some solid groaning today on the flight and kudos to the PAX for assisting in the fun. Nice groans on looking under the seat leading to the Whirly with the clap. The conveyor line was a pleaser and a beautiful sight to watch confusion turn to grace. Always a reason to revisit as YHC showed at the baggage drop at the end. That it really was a brilliant idea.

Mongoose groaned about burpees #Whats new?
Redeye and Zima were commenting about Senor Froggy glistening – what was that about… #ifyougotem flashem
Evidently Zima doesn’t own a shirt with sleeves
Senor Froggy had a hoody on today and was very fashionable
Quiver needs some help remembering both his name and his age
And Balco was especially quiet but YHC believes somewhat relieved that it was nota repeato from #flatline

An honor to lead you men today. Numbers were weak, but we doubled the effort and were strong.

Q’s needed for Outhouse see Redeye, Dawg Pound see Road Apple

Prayers for Mexico earthquake victims, Hurricane victims (Harvey, Irma, and now Maria)

YHC took the PAX out giving thanks for the day and offering prayers for those struggling in marriages and struggling to find happiness.

1 Comment

  • Red Eye
    September 20, 2017 1:01 pm

    Not that anyone asked, but YHC’s F3 name has nothing to do with flying.

    Solid beatdown, Plunger. Lots of ground covered on that transMeadowlark flight.

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