Squats without Runs at TRQ

QIC: Green Acres

Date: 2-22-24

PAX: Doublewide (WB), Wobegon, BAM, D-Day, the Singing Cowboy, Argyle, Burlap, Boomerang, Green Acres (WD, Q)

A delightful chilly morning at TRQ. Five of us started with a EC run (well, 4 ran while YHC did a slow mosey) and got that out of our system before the no-running workout. The Singing Cowboy, Wobegon, Bam, and Doublewide did all the running. Then we all got started with Warmarama at 530:  SSH, Imp Walkers, CH squats, Abe V, Whirlies, arm circles, Y-flies, Mike Phelps, and one last slow squat. Then to the parking lot in front of the school.

The Thang One was 20 merkins, stroll 2 parking spaces, 20 squats, stroll 2 spaces, and repeated x 8 for 160 of each.
Thang Two was at the playground equipment for 3 rounds of 10 pull-ups or chin-ups and 30 LBC’s.

Thang Three was rock work: 20 ea IC curls, skull crushers, bent rows, OH press, lo-flutter. Another 10 IC curls and SC, then to wall of school for 1 min Wall Sit and 1 min BTTW, then back to start for Mary:  Mutton crunches, Freddie Merc, box cutters, and 3 Huck merkins.  Last was 29 squats to get to even 200.  Done

This tough crew smashed the workout.   Only one “seems excessive” comment from Bam about merkin our way across the parking lot, but then he knocked it out with Perfect Form and wasn’t even breathing hard. 🙄

Burlap kept count of all the things.
Argyle arrived before Warmarama!  Doublewide and Wobegon silently assassinated the beatdown while Boomerang and D-Day provided some MC.  Boomerang took us out with a nice prayer.
Just a great morning with some of my best friends.