4th of july tour de hill to nowhere F3/FIA convergence

QIC: crash, gobbler

Date: 7/4/2023

PAX: bam, frostbite, subfloor, total recall, muscle dragon, rubber ducky, lamb chop, berra, blades of glory, drip, closer, rooster, sea-man, ziggy stardust, rooney, squid, bootlegger, atrophy, cruiser, ziffel, chutney, honeydew, wobegon, bloodsport, tritangle, gobbler, crash, dogman, crayola, opener, finch, daisychain, see ya or tbd...

The 4th of July convergence between F3 and FIA was a hot one. Fresh off a few PAX doing the 6 am 1776 workout with Van Gogh, just a few minutes to get ready. Jamison Park – on the hill to nowhere and at the shelter.

Mission and core principles of F3 recited for the benefit of any new males present, along with an homage to FIA which has a few similar principles. We did a few SSH then the M did some yoga, which is a common part of warmups for FIA. Then we did a few imperial walkers, hillbillies, front and back arm swirly things, abe vigodas, maybe 1 or 2 others.

We had planned to get some rocks and circle up but not seeing a good place to assemble 33 people without blocking the steady flow of  traffic we decided to head straight to the hill to nowhere, where we did the

Tour de “Hill to Nowhere”

Mosey up the hill to nowhere, with stages… Mosey from station to station, start at bottom, work way to top, then back down and start again – 4 trips… 4 exercises at each station, do the first exercise on the way up the first time, 1, then 1+2, then 1,2,3, then 1,2,3,4… For some inexplicable reason I was concerned this wouldn’t take enough time and proposed we count back down, we nixed that idea on the way up the 3rd time…

Bottom (Stage 1)

Bicycles / Freddie mercs, 20 double count
Low flutters, 20 DC
LBCs, 20 DC
H2H, 20 DC

Stage 2

Plank Jacks, 20
Mountain climbers, 20 DC
Mountain goats (1,2,3 count mountain climbers then 2 leg kick) 10
Donkey kicks, 20

Stage 3

Squats, 20
Smurf jacks, 20
Side Straddle Hop, 20
Fireworks (Star jumps), 20

Top (stage 4)

Merkins, 10
Burpees, 10
Carolina drydock, 20
Scorpion drydock, 10

Back to the shelter for

Global Warming

PAX form a circle around the picnic tables, do Al Gore, shuffle right, left alternating each time for a bit then mostly shuffled right… periodically one of the Q’s calls an exercise… called a few different things… burpees, merkins, a bunch of stuff.

Transition to a bit of yoga called by Gobbler…

A final minute to do Ring of Fire accompanied by the man in black himself – 2 Merkins per pax. Then we were out of time so we all did the last merkin together.

It looked easier on paper, it was hot / humid.


I think I’ll cover the new namings in particular, I had the pleasure of being able to be a part of a few namings. All namings for females signed off on by Gobbler and the FIA members present. FIA’s strategy for providing names is, shall we say, kinder and gentler than F3’s 🙂

Really honored to be a part of the namings. It was evident there had been some discussions with families about namings and it’s a meaningful event so glad to be a part of some folks’ first workout and to be a part of the names.

Atrophy with Dogman, from his favorite book!
Subfloor parted with ‘See ya’? The jury’s out on if that will be the final name…
Closer brought Crayola (likes drawing), Opener (closer reference), and Finch (softball reference)
Bootlegger’s M, Daisychain (from crochet, and favorite dog)

YHC saw a lot of folks helping each other out, accommodating difficult heat and showing new folks the ropes. Honored to lead with my M.


YHC with Q at Conspiracy Weds
Wobegon Q with B&W tomorrow
Bloodsport Q Sat Purgatory

Read an excerpt from the Declaration of Independence

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” – The American Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.


Rubber Ducky continued prayers for healing
General prayers for wives, husbands, kids, organizations of F3 and FIA, the chance to workout and be together, the world, thanks for this country.

Today’s playlist

I realize the speaker in one spot didn’t work so well a good portion of the time so if you wish to listen…